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Jimmy Carter: A False “Christian,” Fake “Baptist,” Evil Anti-Semite, Despicable President, Yet Praised by False Teachers

Writer's picture: ReubenReuben

Only days after the inauguration of the 47th President (also the 45th) of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, we publish this report on the 39th president of the USA (from 1977 to 1981), who recently passed away at the ripe age of 100. There couldn't be a bigger difference between the 39th and the 47th Presidents. By all appearances, on December 29th Carter was sadly ushered into the eternal furnace of fire, into that place which he denied to exist while on the earth, but certainly knows better now, a tad bit late I would say. He lived a long life, a Gracious and Loving God giving this traitor and hypocrite more years than enough and more than most to brokenly and genuinely repent of his lying, liberalism, anti-Semitism, corruption, profane yoke with the wicked, and truck loads of error, truth denial, sin and wickedness, and be genuinely converted. But that tragically never happened though he did have bit of a changed perspective on the afterlife while battling cancer (this "Christian" amazingly changed his views that there might be life after death after all), unfortunately not enough to bring him to genuinely seek after the True and Living God and repent of his wicked ways. The likeable and ever-smiling Jimmy Carter was a terrible president and an apostate "Christian," the fruit of liberalism and apostasy in Baptist denominations in America, or from eating to many peanuts (he gone nutty). This Demoncrat single handedly destroyed America in more ways than one. Everything that the evil Obama and Biden did, the trio being the worst three presidents ever, is only built upon the foundation that Carter laid.

Unsurprisingly, many very deceived or purposefully lying people purport that he was a “good” man. They even claim him to be a real “Christian” and a real “Baptist.” Just. Wow. You can’t make this stuff up. It would be laughable if it wasn't so serious. These people clearly do not know the Bible or God, are horribly deceived and drink at the left’s Kool-Aid and will ultimately end up in the same eternal inferno that Carter currently resides in, lest he had a deathbed conversion, which I would probably suspect to in the negative (read Pr 1:20-32 as to why, briefly exposited here: The Fearful Position of Those Who Reject God’s Reproof and Drawing — Expressed in Proverbs 1).

When the corrupt and complicit fake news media does the bidding for their democrat masters, which are demoncratic monsters, you can assuredly know that when they describe him as an “honest man” he actually was a dishonest man, when they say he was a “honourable leader” he was actually a dishonourable leader, when they claim he was a “good man” he really was an evil and bad man, when they pronounce him as a “decent man” he was an indecent and corrupt man. History concurs with that analysis. The reprobates and the foolish sheeple absent of any discernment, having zero knowledge of actual history and facts, will digest this lie. Soon, “honest,” “honourable,” “good,” and “decent” will be repeated to define sleepy diabolical Joe.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum? Sorry, but in the case of Jimmy Carter, no can do.

Carter always appeared as a sleazy and diabolical scoundrel, especially when he poised with his fake, neo-evangelical style do-gooder undiscerning simple-minded “smile” on his face, for instance the picture above, while harbouring a very evil and counterfeit nature. What I Biblically believe is this really is the face of a spiritual reprobate (2 Tim 3:8-9), which certainly fits with his presidential tenure and Christian apostasy.

The Legacy of Carter, Who Presided Over One of the Worst Administrations in History

Biden and Carter actually had a number of things in common: record unpopularity, crooked brothers, empowering Islamic terrorists, pro-socialism and communism, climate control religionists, but decency or truthfulness was never one of them. While Biden’s been pardoning serious and violent criminals and mass murderers (such as Fauci), Carter outdid him big time as far as numbers are concerned. In 1977, President Carter granted an unconditional pardon to hundreds of thousands of men who evaded the draft during the Vietnam War.

Carter was a terrible and unqualified president. Though he was only president for one term, he did more damage and destruction to the USA than most other awful presidents over two terms. The full history of this traitor and his network is even more evil and treacherous than the following, which is barely scratching at the surface. But where do we begin.

Slavery, terrorism, corruption, bribery, dictator worship, killing babies, enabling terrorists – nothing is too evil for Democrats. Their greatest speciality is calling evil good and good evil and Carter was certainly guilty of that repeatedly, and chronically.

Due to his cursed position as a false, fake, hypocritical “Christian,” Carter had zero discernment, zero discretion, and 100% gullibility and naiveté. He was a misguided man-pleaser. He was a simple minded fool by very definition, which makes him two-fold unregenerate. Due to his lack of even basic normalcy in decision making, he completely destroyed certain nations, and nearly America.

Carter hated the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ had blessed the USA so abundantly (blessing for good reason, as the nation was largely built upon and governed by God’s Word and Christian principles), so he tried his mightiest to bring the US down a few pegs in order to make it “equal” with third-world hell holes. That of course is socialism and communism disguised in the blasphemous and perverted social-justice "gospel" form, which he promoted in politics and as a Sunday school teacher.

Carter should have been impeached for multiple acts of Treason as well as influence peddling, but instead he becomes a Nobel Peace Prize Recipient, which long ago lost any credibility. But the Demoncrats and RINOs of the establishment were never going to hold him accountable seeing they were his enablers.

One of Carter's biggest achievements is giving away the Panama Canal, which China has practically overtaken. He gave away the Panama Canal to Panama, for a dollar. One dollar! One of the greatest, if not the greatest, engineering feats and marvels in the history of the modern world was literally given away for a dollar, by a traitor of America. And it cost the lives of 35,000 Americans! (who died because of malaria, by mosquito). The day after selling it, Panama quadrupled the cost to go through the canal and now, as of 2025, China controls it. Thanks to diabolical Carter.

Carter was known for his alliances with dictators. He loved to grovel and prostrate himself before the feet of Communist and Islamic dictators and terrorists, enemies for whom he paved the way to do their dirty work within America’s own borders. He actually covered for these tyrants and terrorists who had murdered entire populations. The worse Jimmy’s monsters were, the more he acted like he was saving their souls.

Carters gullibility and dangerous idiocy was noted in bringing an Islamic (thus Satanically inspired and possessed) “revolutionary” and avowed Marxist by the name of Robert Mugabe into the Zimbabwean government, a man as we all know would go on to murder, torture and slaughter massive amounts of Zimbabweans in the tens of thousands if not more. Mugabe and his troops were in fact foreign to Zimbabwe and had been highly trained by Communist North Korea, but that didn’t set off any bells in the dense, naive, and destructive polices of Carter. Not only did the diabolical and despicable Carter remain unashamed and unrepentant about his administration’s support for the evil Mugabe, and though he conceded after the fact that Mugabe was now “oppressive,” he stressed the following about the mass murderer after everything was said and done:

“He needs to be treated with respect and assured that if he does deal with those issues [democratization and human rights], he won’t be punished or prosecuted for his crimes.”

Wow. The wicked mass murderer gets respect. The evil injustice of the heretical Neo-evangelical explains why the gates of hell are slammed wide open in the anticipated reunion of these evil, slow belly, unjust, “tolerating,” simple-minded beasts.

The betrayal of all Zimbabweans both black and white, and especially Bishop Muzorewa who personally warned Carter repeatedly and zealously, the collective voices of the masses warning what sort of leader Robert Mugabe would be, deserves a prominent place among the outrages of the Carter years.

Indecisive and undiscerning leadership kills innocent people and causes disasters. Take Carter's vacillating support for the Shah of Iran. In one breath, Carter would support the beleaguered leader, and in the next, he would praise the Iranian Revolution. That indecisiveness led to 52 Americans being taken hostage for 444 days inside the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, and the overthrow of a nation that was once aligned with western values and freedom.

Jimmy the Great was a master of the platitude of “saving” lives of those he was “helping,” instead of by the truth of God’s Word, which is always how false teachers and wolves function. He was deeply infected by the damnable and heretical false gospel of social-justice, thanks to neo-evangelicalism and the terrible compromise and heresies of the SBC.

Carter concluded the SALT II treaty with the duplicitous communist Soviet Union. He also weakened America’s missile programs.

Carter had an affection for wicked communist nations such as China, and embarrassingly kowtowed to their modus operandi. He severed formal relations with democratic Taiwan in order to establish full diplomatic ties with communist China, a staunch enemy of America even in that day. He also gave China most favoured nation trade status. On his visit in 2003 he played right into the Chinese government’s hands by not criticizing the communists on any point. Wow. Carter’s corrupted, naive, and traitorous wrong-headed handling of China “set the stage for China’s economic ascent--and later, its rivalry with the U.S.” (source). It could well lead to a major war one day. This sort of behaviour is perfectly on par with Neo-evangelicalisms gullibility and belief of everything they hear as long as the enemy smiles and is "nice," a subject we address in Niceness and Hospitality as the Parameter of Acceptance, Not Truth and Righteousness. He was foolish and ripe for the picking, harbouring child-like "judgment," being easily deceived with wool pulled over his eyes by the good words and fair speeches of ear ticklers. He is the perfect fulfillment of 2 Tim 3:13,

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

Jimmy was also one of "The Elders," a group of deep state Leftist/Marxist/Communist/Socialist elitists that once led nations and now help overthrow democratically elected governments under the guise of "democracy." The Elders was founded by the wicked, deceptive Nelson Mandela in 2017, and is made up of people such as Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon (deputy chair), Desmond Tutu, and Jimmy Carter, former American President, and that should just about tell you everything about its evil pogrom. They hate the truth, freedom, freedom loving people and leaders like President Trump, while masquerading as "helpers" of humanity. “The Elders” interfered in the 2020 American election, which they actually stole for their demoncratic lefty buddies, but that shouldn't come as a shock. They then had the gall to insist that Mr Trump “should follow the example set by his predecessors and declare himself willing to accept the verdict cast” by "voters." The election was clearly stolen, so no, Mr. Trump should not accept the falseified verdict. These evil beasts and minions of Satan and diabolical depraved destroyers would surely desire to bring an end to all those who disagree with them, and dissent.

Never at any point has Jimmy Carter attempted to atone for the ruin that his policies as President wreaked, and of his many well-publicized failures.

Carter the Duplicitous Liar and Hypocrite, and Hater of Whats Right and Good and Lover of What Is Evil and Destructive

Carter was a lying hypocrite but not sure if that trait was greater than being a deceived hypocrite.

One of the ways we can know his position on what is right as far as politics is concerned, is what he said about the right-wing President Donald J. Trump, one of the best presidents that has ever led America.

During a speech in 2019 at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Carter stated it would be a “disaster” if President Trump were re-elected in 2020.

“It would be a disaster to have four more years of Trump.”

In that conference, Carter claimed that vision of his foundation includes ending wars, "fighting climate change," and “constructively criticizing the United States.” If the Democrat presidential candidates “do those things,” Carter said, “I would probably vote for them.”

Carter fully embraced and promoted the wicked religion and ideology of climate change which is one of the tools in the NWO Antichrist’s belt to bring all the world under the control of Satan, and usher in the worship and mark of the beast. Not only that, Carter actually actively fought for it through his ungodly foundation. When evil woke publications such as Rolling Stones praise the environmentalism of Carter, you know how bad it really was (Jimmy Carter: America's Greatest Environmental President).

The entire climate change religion is a diabolical lie and a hoax, and easily so, but its got a purpose and that is the destruction of the world at the hands of the devil who hates mankind and seeks to destroy and kill (Jn 10:10a), and then ultimately, to bring in the NWO with him, the Antichrist, at the helm. Carter bought right into these lies and evils, because he is a sucker and false professing "Christian" and a spiritual reprobate, which are men who "resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith." (2 Tim 3:8).

Carter opposed his own skin colour, which is reprobate. He missed the boat completely on the lesson on the history of mankind and white people in particular. This is what him and his wife had to say at that same conference:

Carter: “I don’t know who I will vote for, but I will vote for one of them. I voted for Bernie the last time. But one of the major factors I have in my mind is who can beat Trump.”
Rosalynn: “I think we need a new president. I am so disturbed about white power. [Trump] says he is not a racist and maybe he is not. But some of the things he says encourages racism.”

They have swallowed the Critical Race Theory evil pill, hook line and sinker. It is absolutely deplorable and disgusting to claim that there is such a thing as "white power." It's simply a pandering to wokeness, advancing white genocide, and promoting hatred towards God for blessing white people over the centuries, the most successful peoples and nations in the history of the world, to this day.

Jimmy's DEI outlook on USA is the same wicked garbage most leftist fools traffic in.

Even Habitat for Humanity, a key element in the rebranding of Carter as a humanitarian, couldn’t escape the sleaze when he led efforts to cover up sexual harassment in the organization.

Carter hated Israel, God's chosen people and the apple of His eye, and loved those that hated Israel (such as demonic Islam) and were set on annihilating every Jew from the planet, and then all other non-Moslems. We cover this is more detail next.

Carter was a strong proponent of women as pastors. He strongly opposed the death penalty. He condemned the SBC for adopting a revised [stronger] version of its confession of faith. Again, whatever is good and right and based upon the truth he opposed, while everything evil and wrong and contrary to the truth, he protested for. Clearly he was a servant of Satan, while masquerading as a minister of righteousness (2 Cor 11:12-15).

Carter was also the man that created the Department of Education, thereby literally destroying the lives of millions of children.

All of this is barely scratching the tip of the iceberg but its all the direct consequence of a man who was cursed of God because of his false profession in Christianity, rejection of God's Word, and apostasy. He could rightly be called the archetype of neo-evangelicalism. He lacked even common sense in many decisions, reflecting the blinded mind of a spiritual reprobate (2 Tim 3:8), which is exactly what he was. He wore his fake religiosity throughout the White House and then onwards to Havana, Pyongyang and Caracas, and then in his post-presidency, redeeming himself by courting the world’s monsters.

Carter’s Demonic and Wicked Anti-Semitism and Pro-Islam and Pro-Nazi Position.

Not many Jews mourned Carter’s death and there was good reason for that. Carter’s animus toward the Jewish people is legendary by now. Carter hated Israel, and accused Israel of practicing apartheid (a wicked and demonic lie), which automatically classes the man as Satanic (cf. Gen 12:1-3; Rev 12:13). Born again believers always love Israel. He was an extreme and wicked antisemite, which alone proves his clear unregenerate and false “professing” nature. The only one that Carter conformed to was the one that comes as an angel of light, but is in fact the Dragon of darkness (2 Cor 11:12-15).

Jimmy's hatred for God’s chosen people, the Israelites, and love for those that hate God’s chosen people, was quite apparent when he went to bat for a Nazi mass murderer. In 1987 he attempted to prevent a Nazi war criminal from being deported. Carter’s plea for leniency for Martin Bartesch, a former SS guard at the Mauthausen work camp during WWII is highlighted by Elder of Ziyon, who summarized Carter’s overt Jew-hatred in Jimmy Carter, antisemite.

Elder of Ziyon writes that Neal Sher, the head of the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) of the Justice Department’s Nazi prosecution unit, had iron-clad evidence that Chicago resident Martin Bartesch, a member of the Germany’s SS Death’s Head Division at the Mauthausen concentration camp, was a war criminal and a murderer. Well Bartesch’s family went into overdrive campaigning to keep the old Nazi war criminal from being evicted from the USA, including sending letters to members of Congress and other prominent people asking for help. The vast majority of the politicians contacted the OSI to find out the details, and when OSI provided them with evidence of his guilt, the matter was dropped. Not Jimmy Carter mind you. He jumped in for the Nazi mass murderer, but thankfully it was to no avail. Carter stated in a letter to the OSI that in cases such as this, he wanted "special consideration for the family for humanitarian reasons." Wow. Jimmy the Terrible wanted sympathetic intervention on behalf of a Nazi war criminal. How sweet. To bad the Jews that he murdered and helped exterminate didn't afford the same special considerations. The Bible speaks very harshly of those who pervert justice, and for a former president to show "humanitarian" mercy towards a mass murderer is absolutely appalling. You can read the rest here:

Jimmy's book “Palestine: Peace, not Apartheid” proved his dishonesty, and reinforced his vile antisemitism, Jew-hatred. (Many actually quit his foundation after that book was released.)

The dishonest shill for evil and Islam claimed “Palestinians” had a right to exist, and that required the supplanting of Israel. Carter was responsible for the dastardly deed of pushing through the Camp David Accords (which gave the Sinai peninsula to Egypt and weakened Israel’s control of the so-called West Bank). Carter would blame Israel for Islamic (“Palestinian”) terrorism, which is absolutely deplorable. Israel has only ever defended itself against its Satanic and evil Islamic neighbours.

The only thing that Carter ever had to say about Israel, whether as president or after, was condemnatory, in spite of Israel being the only party in the Middle East that is pursuing peace and democracy. If Carter believed and understood anything about Islam and its evil history, he would know why peace can never be achieved through some fake “peace treaty” with a people that are committed to the eradication of Israel and every Jew, and the supremacy of the entire world. He would also understand that due to the satanic doctrines of al-taqiyya and al-kitman, Moslems are permitted to lie and deceive for the purpose of Islam.

The truth is, most Arab leaders didn't truly care a bit about the Palestinians. As Carter confessed at a 1979 press conference:

"I have never met an Arab leader that in private professed a desire for an independent Palestinian state. Publicly, they all espouse an independent Palestinian state ..."

Since 1970 that opposition has grown substantially. Yet that has never stopped Carter from continuing to lobby for these wicked and demonic shills for Allah (aka. Satan), including their Islamic terrorist groups Hamas, PLO and others. He even called for the US to "legitimize" Hamas!

As president, Carter played a crucial role in Yasser Arafat’s makeover from terrorist to statesman, and then later as ex-President slavishly supported the Palestinians aggressively. In this regard, Carter established a tradition. Arafat was an honoured guest at the White House more than any other head of state during Bill Clinton’s presidency, and that is utterly pathetic and disgraceful. Maybe these dhimmis for Islam should move their carcasses to the Middle East into an islamic nation under sharia law, and we’ll see how much they like it then.

Carter encouraged Obama in 2016 to recognize Palestine as a State. He said 130 some countries did at the UN therefore it was time for the US to do as well. It is also rumoured that Arafat was counselled by Carter to not agree to the peace agreement offered by Barak and President Clinton in 2000.

This Islamic shill and dhimmi, gave the keynote speech at the 51st annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) held in Detroit, on Sept 1, 2014, a terrorist-funding and collaborating group and serious enemy to America, Christians and Jews.

Carter was also responsible for paving the way for the evil Islamic State of Iran, which turned Iran into a major terrorist-sponsoring nation, resulting in the torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of its own people, and countless others, producing a living hell for many of its citizens. It also resulted in massive amounts of Christian persecution in Iran and other Islamic nations. Jimmy worked with the “deep state” to overthrow the Shah of Iran and facilitate the return of Khomeni from exile in Paris, France and return to power. The one islamic leader who was a US ally, who introduced some western values and actual human rights to Iran, was the one who good ole Jimmy threw under the bus. How Ayatollah Khomeini Suckered Jimmy Carter. Unbelievable. It's no wonder that God is judging the western nations for their evilness, especially when they profess to know Him, while in reality the children of the devil. Men like Carter are lukewarm indeed, and God will spew them out of His mouth like vomit (Rev 3:14-18).

Carter utterly rejected God's Word concerning Israel, who are the apple of God's eye, which you can read about here: The Land of Israel, the Jew and the Covenants of God vs Replacement Theology (a Doctrine of Devils).

Carter the False Teacher, Fake Baptist, and Horrendous Heretic and Apostate

1. Carter was a neo-evangelical and fake baptist, of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) kind, which is heretical to the extreme. Carter eventually came out of the SBC, in 2000, because they were too conservative for him!! Wow. A major element of Carters “leaving” of the SBC in 2000 was because of adherence to sound doctrine, even though SBC is far removed from sound doctrine. I would hate to know what he thought of the IFB. The straw that broke Carters camel was when SBC continued with the decision that women shouldn't lead congregations. That women shouldn’t be pastors or leaders over men, which is exactly right and very much Biblical, but Carter despised the Word of God and righteousness. Things like this really brought out Carter’s true colours of heresy and apostasy.

Carter taught Sunday School for many years bi-monthly at the terribly heretical and apostate Maranatha Baptist Church of Plains, GA, and he is a great example of the apostasy that has leavened a large portion of Baptist churches, especially the SBC, which is almost completely apostate. Its a sinking ship attempting to rearrange the chairs on the deck.

2. Carter was an apostate because of his love for apostates. In the first year of his presidency (1977), Carter told the Lutheran Forum magazine that his favourite mentoring theologians were rank and wicked liberal heretics Paul Tillich, Soren Kierkegaard, and Reinhold Niebuhr. Tillich called the Christmas story a “legend” in the December 1977 issue of The Lutheran. These are the people that mentored Carter, so we can imagine how evil his theology really was.

3. Jimmy appeared to have no issue with the mass murder and slaughter of innocent babies. In the first year of presidency, Carter appointed pro-abortion activist Sarah Weddington to the position of assistant to the president. Weddington was lead attorney fighting for the 1973 abortion case, Roe v. Wade, which resulted in legalization of abortion in America and the murder of millions of unborn babies. Praise the Lord it took a non-professing, no religious pretence, President like Donald J. Trump to overturn this most evil murder machine during his first term, through the placement of conservatives in the Supreme Court.

4. Carter started serving as the honorary co-chair of the Human Rights Campaign in 1992, a homosexual advocacy group and advocate for many other anti-Christian evils.

5. Jimmy was a master at abominable ecumenicalism, fulfilling his Satanic father’s eschatological will. Not only ecumenicalism amongst the many sects of Christianity, but ecumenical among the world's pagan religions.

In the 21st century, in his old age, Carter slavishly sought spiritual reconciliation among professing Christians of all theological stripes. His zeal for this ungodly and demonic endeavour was so passionate, he started in 2008 what he called the New Baptist Covenant, a rallying and alliance of moderate and liberal Baptists and Baptists of all theological persuasions and really whosoever wants to join according to Carter. What is the purpose for the ecumenical endeavour? Reverse the “negative and judgmental image of Baptists” and commit to focus on “healing social ills including poverty, pollution, lack of health care and global religious and racial conflict” (Ecumenical News International, Jan 12, 2017). Wow, how woke and wicked is that! Baptists are so negative and judgmental! He even invited teh wicked group Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists to the conference which  pushes for churches to receive practicing homosexuals as members and to approve of homosexual “marriage.”

At the New Baptist Covenant II conference in 2011, where Carter served as a keynote speaker, he called division in the body of Christ over disagreements of vital biblical doctrines, an “abomination.” Oh really, is that so. When Christ had disagreements over doctrine, or any of the apostles, and they had many disagreements with people, were they an abomination? How about God the Son when He said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matt 10:34). He came to bring division in other words, as noted in the parallel passage: “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:” (Lk 12:51). Paul demanded that true believers be divided from heretics (2 Cor 11:19). What Carter is pushing is a Satanic lie. Apparently the idea in Carters head was to remove all stigma and disagreement among Christians by creating fake “unity” through ceasing all arguments over “authority or priesthood of the believer, interpretation of Scripture, how much emphasis to put on one Bible verse instead of another” (Associated Baptist Press, Nov 17, 2011). What were other topics of division according to Carter, that should never “divide the body of Christ”? “Hot-button issues like the role of women, homosexuality, abortion, the death penalty, separation of church and state, peace versus reliance on military action, predestination and speaking in tongues are important, but they become an ‘abomination’ when they are allowed to divide the body of Christ.” Sound doctrine is critical according to Scripture, and those who embrace false doctrine are to be marked and avoided (Rom 16:17-18). For any person to claim that broken unity due to serious differences in theology is an “abomination,” is truly an abomination to God.

The only thing here thats in abomination is Jimmy Carter himself, and by now as he is tormented in the eternal furnace of fire, he truly understands his own abominable nature. Scripture does indicate that dogs and pigs will eventually show their true colours (2 Pet 2:22), and boy is that ever true of Carter.

On many occasions Carter spoke at heretical "Baptist" conferences and conventions, such as at the ultra liberal and horrendously heretical Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), which meetings have reflected massive heresy such as worship of “Mother God” and such wicked expressions as, “God is good, and She knows what She’s doing” (“Mother God worshipped,” Baptist Press, June 29, 2001). At these conventions Carter would stress ecumenicalism, the need to break down barriers and yoke together regardless of how unBiblical and heretical a professing "Christian" group was, while parading his ecumenical endeavours of an alliance between all Baptist and other Christian groups through “reject[ing] creedalism.” This is actually a rejection of sound doctrine, strictness of faith, relaxation over doctrinal truth, while embracing modernistic views of the Bible, homosexual "Christianity," female "pastors," climate change, all cults are Christians, and prayers to a female god.

Carter frequently proclaimed Mormons as Christians and that they should not be the targets of “proselytizing” (Carrie Moore, “Are Mormons Christians,” Deseret News, Nov. 15, 1997). In this interview, Carter likened those who reject Mormons to “Pharisees.” In line with the rest of his church, Jimmy declared that he had "no interest in trying to condemn Mormons or trying to convert Mormons to be good old Baptists like me.” This is very telling on how whishy washy Jimmy's position on faith really was. Apparently there is no difference between Baptists and Mormons according to old Jimmy, while the truth of the matter remains that Mormonism is Both a Cult and False Religion. To claim that Mormonism is Christian is blindness. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints adds its own writings to Scripture on par with the authority of God's Word, teaches that salvation is by faith plus works, denies the Trinity, claims that God was once a man, that Jesus Christ was a created being, that he had many wives, that he is the brother of Satan, that men have pre-existent souls, that the living can be baptized for the salvation of the dead, that those who endure faithfully in this life will be gods in the next. In fact, Mormonism denies or corrupts practically every cardinal doctrine of the NT faith. Carter would publicly rebuke the SBC for targeting Mormons with the gospel.

Jimmy Carter, like Joel Osteen and so many other “evangelical” leaders of today are ecumenical heretics. They reject the vast majority of God’s Word and thus evidently prove themselves to be unregenerate charlatans and wolves in sheep's clothing.

On his visit to India in 1989, Carter accepted a Hindu tika on his forehead.

6. Carter was a universalist heretic. He claimed that the principles of Christ are “not incompatible with the principles of other faiths” (Christian Century, June 6, 1990).

7. Sunday School Jimmy was pro-evolution. He couldn't even get the creation account right, a real reflection of how deeply heretical he really was. When a Georgia public school superintendent (Kathy Cox) ordered the word “evolution” to be removed from its science textbooks in 2004, Carter entered the fray and won the day for evolution (“Another Attempt to Deny Evolution,” San Diego Union-Tribune, Feb. 12, 2004). He's such a jolly good fellow, going to bat for those who hate God and His truth.

8. Carter defined his personal philosophy as “a nonjudgmental, reconciling type of spirituality.” Well of course he did, because we wouldn't want to be judgmental now would we. At least Carter was consistent in his heretical philosophy. If one holds the philosophy of non-judgmentalism, one cannot consistently judge anything at all. If one has the right to judge something by the Word of God; one has the right to judge everything!

9. While President, Carter hosted a “White House Conference on Families,” which included sodomite couples.

Jimmy Carter was right at home in all this spiritual wickedness and heresy.

The root problem with Carter is that he was never born again, even though he called himself a "born again evangelical" (a slogan he used to win his only term in office, but the American people knew better by the time he rolled around for a second). He is a false professing "Christian," which is who God is describing as lukewarm in Rev 3, but God hates the lukewarm and will vomit them out of His mouth, and would rather that they were cold (i.e. lost without any religious pretence), or hot of course (i.e., truly saved).

Jimmy Carter was a massive proponent of the false social-justice "gospel," which incidently led to many of his illogical, corrupt and dangerous decisions as President, which then led to the deaths of many, many people. In the hundreds of thousands if one was counting. The social “gospel” is a deadly disease and dangerous destruction, the very opposite of what it allegedly promotes. It reinforces the belief that salvation can be attained by doing good works, putting aside differences for the common good, treating others the way we want to be treated, acting morally, ethically, and sacrificially—and that doing so will endear humans to God. No. These are self-deceptive strivings that spurn God's salvation, deny His perfect standard, and reject His perfect justice. Salvation is "not of works, lest any man should boast." In fact, it is "by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God" (Eph 2:8-9). Jesus declared Himself to be condemned humanity's only hope for reconciliation with God: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (Jn 14:6). There is no other way, because God's perfect justice demanded that the penalty for sin for every human be paid, "for all have sinned" (Romans 3:23). Only the perfect, sinless God-Man could and did pay that infinite penalty in full by His death upon the Cross. ONLY faith in Him reconciles a person with God and opens the eyes of the blind, and gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding, all of which was lacking in the life of Carter.

Jimmy the Liar blatantly lied about Jesus allegedly being silient on homosexuality, which Jimmy was promoting because Jimmy was a heretic. He claimed:

“Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things—he never said that gay people should be condemned. I personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies. I draw the line, maybe arbitrarily, in requiring by law that churches must marry people. I’m a Baptist, and I believe that each congregation is autonomous and can govern its own affairs. So if a local Baptist church wants to accept gay members on an equal basis, which my church does by the way, then that is fine. If a church decides not to, then government laws shouldn’t require them to.”

A few points on this: (a) The Scriptures teach that homosexuality is clearly a perversion of marriage that God intended between a husband and a wife. God condemned homosexuality in Gen 19, specifically vv. 24-25 when He rained fire and brimstone down from heaven on the inhabitants of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their homosexual wickedness. Throughout the OT we see the practice condemned severely. Jesus , God the Son, was certainly more than familiar with the OT since He was its author and was well-versed in its content, also being educated by faithful, godly Jewish parents, and thus would have obviously known and understood what it said about this topic or any other. (b) What Jesus taught about marriage, that it was intended to be exclusively between one man and one woman (Matt. 19:4-6), tells us that homosexuality was wrong. That Jesus never states specifically what His view of homosexuality was indicates that His view coincides with the teaching of the OT on the topic. No one bothered to ask Jesus because they, like He, knew it was unacceptable. They all knew exactly how it was condemned. (c)  The issue of homosexuality is not open for debate or discussion. God’s Word describes it as wickedness and the Bible commands that they be put to death (Lev 20:13; Rom 1:32). “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” (Lev 20:13). (d) The sin is condemned in Rom 1:28-32, and further when Paul mentiones the "effiminate” in 1 Cor 6:9-10 as never inheriting the kingdom of God. (e) Jimmy carter was a wicked, truth-denying, God-hating, abominable twister and wrester of Scripture to pervert God's truth. His denial of Christ's deity is obvious in his statement, where he attempts to separate Christ from His Lordship and Authorship of Scripture. Today, and for all eternity, he is paying the price for his Christ-rejection and utter wickedness.

At the age of 95, in 2019, Carter told his Sunday School class that he had doubts about life after death until his cancer in 2015, and it was only now that his doubts were resolved (“Sunday school class with Jimmy Carter,” Higher Ground, Jan. 4, 2025). His resolution however did not come as a result of true salvation. It didn't change anything in old Jimmy, like how salvation changes any new born again believer. Jimmy would have been much to proud and stubborn to repent and admit that he had actually always been unregenerate, a false professing "believer," a false teacher, a wolf in sheep's clothing, a counterfeit and con, an evil and wicked lying evil beast like those warned of in Ti 1:12.

Carter of course never preached the gospel of Jesus Christ’s atoning sacrifice to the thousands who attended his bi-monthly Sunday School classes. He of course would speak much about heresies such as "unconditional love" and helping the poor (at the expense of not preaching the truth to them), but never the truth that liberates and unshackles the sinner from the bondage of his sin.

The worse thing that Carter did in my opinion, beside the horrible perversion of God's Word or the denial of God's truth, was to inoculate millions of false professing counterfeits (like him) to the truth of God's Word and their true nature through the adaptation of the Biblical expression "born again," which Carter largely popularized in America, but were empty words to a empty profession for him and vast majority of those who adopted it. A Gallup poll done in 1990 revealed that "Seventy-four percent of American adults eighteen and older say they have made a 'commitment' to Jesus Christ." (National and International Religion Report, Oct 8, 1990, p. 8). Yet the nation even in that day was morally and spiritually bankrupt. I don't believe even 1% of the people polled were genuinely born again, yet they adopted the language secondary largely to Carter popularizing it, who was actually popularizing and giving credence to a bastardized version of salvation that at best incorporates easy believism and quick prayerism, but always produces two-fold children of hell, moreso than Carter himself.

Jimmy Carter played a major role in helping form the last days apostate whorish church of the Antichrist and that the SBC never disciplined and cast this wicked heretic out with his continual exercise of Bible-denying influence, demonstrates how heretical and apostate the SBC really is. And by now, its gotten a lot worse.

Carter Always Had People on His Side — False Teachers and Hypocrites, In the Same Vein as Him

There are many to including the former SBC President Bart Barber. In spite of the heresy and wickedness of Carter, neo-evangelicals such as ex-president of the SBC Bart Barber, a heretic and false teacher in his own right—thinks that Carter was a fine born again Christian. Wow. For some reason, I ain’t surprised even one bit. Not seeing this type of behaviour from heretical and apostate neo-evangelicals including the SBC would actually surprise me.

It’s pretty sad when non-religionist, non-Christians have more discernment than most so-called Christians (especially the ones in the mainstream limelight, the big Evas, and Reformers), as noted in this article Jimmy Carter Was Never a Good Man written by Daniel Greenfield.


Leaders of all political and religious stripes salivate after power, they are Gentiles that love to exercise lordship and authority over the people (cf. Mk 10:42), and upon its reception, they thumb their collective noses at Almighty God’s holy Word and holy laws. In that light, people such as Carter are the rule, not the exception.

Carter was a professing Christian and Baptist, but in reality he was neither. He also wasn’t a good man or a decent man though he attempted to portray himself in these manners, but an evil hypocrite that loved himself and hated God. The Bible says he despised the Lord Jesus Christ and His truth. That he was a proud man who sought glory for himself, and not the Lord Jesus Christ. Not at any point of his life did Jimmy Carter of Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, GA, ever love the Lord Jesus Christ, so we can say "Anathema Maranatha" of him (1 Cor 16:22).

In the OT the dwelling place of the wicked called Hell was known as Sheol. In the NT its referred to as Hades. As we know, every false teacher, including Jimmy Carter, is now or will be in the future, tormented in Sheol/Hades. In the future, at the end of the Millennial Kingdom, every false teacher will be judged at the Great White Throne (a place of judgment only for the unsaved, which is by far vast majority of mankind, tragically), and be cast into the Eternal Lake of Fire. Its too bad and eternally sad that Jimmy Carter didn’t believe and give heed to passages such as Rev 20:11-15,

"And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."


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