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The Shameful Promotion of Indian Victimology, Mass Grave Hoax of Kamloops Amongst Evangelical Mennonites (EMC) — Caused in Part by a False Social-Justice “Gospel"

Updated: 11 hours ago

On this woke misnamed, hypocritical and divisive national “holiday” on 30th of September, what the Canadian government has termed National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, invoked by this same woke and globalist/UN serving government whose objective is the destruction of a white Christian-based nation (the real genocide that is occurring), we will put out this report that opposes and exposes the lies and hoaxes that the “holiday” is based upon, the legacy of the Canadian Indian residential school system, followed by the expose of an article authored by a missionary to the Indian people from the Evangelical Mennonite Conference (EMC). Not only is this "holiday" and the hoax behind it an attack on Canada’s history, on Christianity, and a blood libel against white man, it’s also an attack on the colour orange, as the “holiday” has come to be colloquially known as Orange Shirt Day. Me wonders if this had anything to do with their woke Trump Derangement Syndrome, Orange man bad? 🤔

In May of 2021, an unknown number of "unmarked graves" or "mass graves" was allegedly discovered under an Indian Residential School in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. Apparently the remains of 215 former Kamloops Indian Residential School students, some as young as three years old, Indian children that had allegedly been taken from the reserve and forced to attend the school, had been confirmed to be found buried in unmarked mass grave. On May 27, 2021, Tk’emlúps Chief Rosanne Casimir stated in a press release

“With the help of a ground penetrating radar (GPR) specialist, the stark truth of the preliminary findings came to light — the confirmation of the remains of 215 children who were students of the Kamloops Indian Residential School.” 

This is the Kamloops Indian Residential School during the time it was open:

This false claim begun with an anthropologist's (who is anti-Canadian, anti-White and anti-Christian) assertion that a juvenile child rib bone was found at this site. Within the first year of the find, no forensic investigation and analysis had been done, by either the corrupt RCMP or the Coroner's office of BC. Why not, would any reasonable person ask? As it turns out, it was the bone of a juvenile deer. To date, there has been no excavation to find the alleged 215 graves of children. In fact the story changed from a horrific claim of mass genocide and slaughter, to a possible grave, or even a possible soil anomaly that could have been anything.

Proceeding the announcement of this "discovery," the Canada flag and Indian ceremonial flags were flown at half-mast throughout the nation beginning June 2, 2021, for 215 hours representing each "body" that had been allegedly discovered (215 hrs eventually turned into 5 months). The Canadian legacy media (the fake news regime of MSM) went hysterically (and predictably) mad, as they have been purposefully programmed to do by the diabolical liberal government and the WEF/UN/Globalist Elites, for the purpose of creating civil unrest and division and gaslighting the public, ultimately for the destruction of the nation. The perpetual and delusional fog of state funded/manipulated media, gullibly marching along with whatever whim or narrative Ottawa chooses, fulfilled their purpose in advancing the Liberal parties goal, but also the major a goal of the 2030 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals program, which is very, very evil and behind everything evil occurring around the world today (i.e., gender ideology, critical race theory, pride garbage, land agreements, etc, most of which is only occurring only in western nations), including these lies and hoaxes on the Indian residential school graves. The UN 2030 program is shrouded in deceptive and misleading language. (Watch informative video here).

Prime Minister Trudeau humiliated and gaslit the nation following the "find," staging a manipulative photo op and press conference with him weeping like a little school girl, holding his little teddy bear in his hand for enhanced theatrics, and then lowering flags over federal buildings for five months (yes, not just 215 hours!). "Every child matters" (even though no children have ever been found) with orange shirts were the new fad. The hypocrisy is hellish. The same people murdering babies by abortion (or supporting it), pushing for demonic and fatal destructive gender reconstruction, loading their kids up with deadly vaccinations, and more, suddenly care that "every child matters." First it was black people matter, and now every child, i.e., Indian children. What about the white children of the Israelites? Right, Satan's program is against the Jewish people. Yet, these same people do next to nothing about the massive amount of Indian children running ragtag on reserves, with no education, and exposed to horrendous levels of domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse. But they say, "every child matters." These evil hypocritical beasts blow wide open the gates of hell. At best it's all symbolic and theatrics on a world stage, but it serves a sinister purpose. Here is what Castro's son had to say:

“I want to share the heartbreaking news that 215 children were found at the Kamloops residential school. 215 children. Think of their loving families that they were ripped away from. Think of the communities that never saw them again. Think of their hopes, dreams, their potential, and all they would have accomplished. All of that was taken away.”

Almost everything he said was a lie, including his use of "the" and "I." We know anything that this pathological liar and evil beast says is not good. The truth is the polar opposites of what he is saying. He has a purpose in advancing these lies and hypocrisies, and that is for division in the country, hatred on the white man, wrath towards Christianity, and fulfilling his elite Globalist masters wishes, including his ultimate master, Satan. He is a perfect replica of his father, the devil:

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (Jn 8:44)

Many more similar deceptive gaslighting sob stories were played out on fake news MSM, to pull at the heart strings of Canadians, and make people enraged at the white man and Christianity. Many politicians, Indian leaders, and fake-news media threw aside balance, restraint, and caution, turning truth into a casualty. That was the goal. Even the pagan turban twisting Sikh immigrant that leads the evil and traitorous NDP party, had something to say: it’s a genocide and Canadians need to accept that now.

*News flash*  There was no actual evidence of the "mass graves" ever published. There wasn't even evidence that the graves actually existed. There was no way ground penetrating radar alone could confirm such a discovery. Excavation could have immediately revealed the false claim, but the Indian band has not allowed it because they know the truth, and the truth would opt them out of hundreds of millions of dollars. At the end of the day, thats what it's all about for most of the Indian people. As politicians spoke about the assertion as though it proved a genocidal child massacre had occurred, the RCMP and BC Coroner's office weren't even investigating the “discovery” as a crime. Within a year, it had ready been debunked as fake news. including here by  Sky News Australia. Yet you wouldn't know it from mainstream fake news corporations. Property records suggest the discovery of graves made using ground penetrating radar may have instead discovered a long-forgotten sewage system, the likely artifacts of an old septic system ( An elderly man that at one time had worked on the sewage trench tried to step forward regarding the work conducted there, but they buried his claims.

The band chief said it was a "confirmation," but that was a blatant lie, and she knew it too. To this day they have found ZERO remains. Not a single body has ever been discovered at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School despite many still believing this fairy tale to be true. Even at the very start, there was never any proof that bodies were actually present under the school. The only thing they have managed to achieve is spark national outrage, give a bad name to Christianity and white people, and sow hate and discord against these groups of people, and discontentment among the Indian people, without a shred of concrete evidence of the original false claim. But that was very likely the objective all along.

All the hysteria and accusations were blatantly defamatory and led to division in the country, led by the prime minister, the intended outcome, which further led to the burning down or vandalism of many churches across western Canada, over 100 to be precise (see also here). Nationwide outrage ensued and the alleged graves became a catalyst for some pseudo "Truth and Reconciliation," while propelling vandalism and dozens of innocent churches targeted starting in the summer of 2021. The problem wasn’t helped by the genocide hoax passed by all Canadian MPs on Oct 27, 2022.

At no point has Trudeau recanted his lies or deceptions, but rather dug even further down, claiming a few years later he could understand why the church arsons frequently happened across western Canada. He started a cultural wildfire, with hundreds of millions of dollars immediately promised to the Indian people (further bankrupting the country, on purpose). It’s pathetic and terrible and there is no reason in the world why the PM should not be immediately released of his duties, never mind the thousands of further reasons, such as the bribes, scandals, funding of terrorists, pro-Islamic and anti-Israel stances, genocide on the Canadian people via the Covid death shot, and so much more! But that hasn't happened in a land that is overrun with reprobate and spineless politicians.

What I find interesting in all this is all the Indian children that are alive today and the product of residential schools, which is a fair number, have said nothing to anyone about the so-called graves that allegedly existed at these schools. Yet they would most certainly been privy to this information, having witnessed it first hand. But no one has come forth. No one has said a word. Why not? Is it because its a lie? I believe what is driving most of the lies and falsehoods is anger and pride for what the white man did to them in taking their children out of the reservations and placing them into centralized schools, but most of that was at the parents approval. Maybe they don't know that, or intentionally ignore and hide it, since it would oppose the narrative. If there was any involuntary admittance, I would certainly disagree with such an attack on ones freedom by Canadian government, but I like many others also come from a heritage that has been massively persecuted by governments, the Catholic Church, and others. Neither I or my family or previous generations, have played the victim card at all, never mind perpetually.

The assertions that have been borne out of this Kamloops Residential School graves hoax are either total falsehoods or half truths grossly exaggerated, which are essentially lies. For instance: thousands of “missing children” from Indian reservations went away to residential schools and were never heard from again (false); these missing children are buried in unmarked graves underneath or around mission churches and schools (false); many of these missing children were murdered by school personnel, by their Catholic supervisors after being subjected to physical and sexual abuse, even outright torture (grossly exaggerated half truth); this has been described as carnage and genocide (false); many human remains have already been located by ground-penetrating radar (false); most Indian children attended residential schools (grossly exaggerated half truth); those who attended residential schools did not go voluntarily but were compelled to attend by federal policy and enforcement (grossly exaggerated half truth); attendance at residential school has traumatized the Indians, creating social pathologies that descend across generations (grossly exaggerated half truth); Residential schools destroyed Indian languages and culture (false).

The government and their propaganda arm have lied and gaslit the Canadian public, which was clearly evident right from the start. In spite of the mounds of evidence at this point, three years later, the evil and treasonous political groups such as the NDP not only continue the hoax and lies but are attempting to Introduce a Bill to Criminalize Residential School ‘Denialism’. The proposed bill states that “denying, justifying or downplaying the harm caused by” Canada’s former residential schools should be illegal. I am sure it won't pass, but this demonstrates how evil and destructive the wicked people are behind this.

How does a democracy die? It dies on the altar of a supposed utopia, much to the cheers of the misled masses. This has always been how totalitarians gained power; in Germany, Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, brutal dictators and their murderous supporters seized power on a promise of undoing a past wrong, manipulating the masses to support policies that ultimately compromised their liberty because it was all for a supposed "greater good."

Before going further, I should address something important. Using the title "Indian" is not meant to be derogatory or racist or any other woke insult to your brain. It is actually who they are, and who they've always been. You know that they are Indian by looking at them. Funny how that works. They never had a problem with it for hundreds of years, until leftist, woke and ungodly change agents came along and flipped the term to invoke something else altogether and of course to serve their gaslighting narrative. "Indian" somehow became "racist" language (though legally they haven't pushed it this far as of yet, since all original Canadian laws and acts and treaties use the terminology), a formula for their attack on free speech and credence to victimology, while the term "indigenous" became the new title (accept where its not convenient, like when they address the residential school system) while they (the leftist, woke evil reprobates) are busy rewriting history -- all of which serves the purpose of attempting to re-establish the Indian rights to our land (the UN and WEF and other Globalists behind this, to steal the land from Europeans), whilst its Europeans that actually conquered the land. They didn't steal it, they conquered it, which is the way of war. An excellent read on this is Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World. We would say, get over it. We won't give up the land, and it's high time to start vehemently opposing these evil agendas meant for our destruction. (By the way, that little "pious" Indian speech about their "land agreement" with those residing on "turtle island" which allegedly is" stolen," by the Indian chief at the beginning of hockey games and other sporting events, thats also part of the destructive UN ploy to divide, conquer, and steal). Furthermore, the term “indigenous” was intentionally chosen, since words have meaning, which carries the idea of originating in a certain place or region, that is, being a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place. But that also is not true. The Indian people are not “indigenous.” The North American Indians have not always lived in North America, which they admit themselves, and nor were they necessarily the first. There is more and more proof being discovered that the Vikings were here prior to the Indians, or at the very least, at the same time (source). Yet we see none of them (i.e., the people of Iceland and the Scandinavian countries) attempting to usurp the land from white European Canadians. There is also an abundance of evidence that today’s Indians replaced another group altogether. This lie being propagated by the government is one of hundreds of reasons why NONE of our children should be attending a government "public" school, where they are brainwashed and indoctrinated into this wicked woke garbage and critical race theory. Keep. Them. Out. Homeschool them, and do it effectively, teaching them against this mind-numbing garbage.

So business as usual, we will continue to use the term Indian, in our reference to the North American Indians, and you should likewise. Don't fall for their evil traps and woke agendas, like many have. It's also for the right of freedom of speech.

About a year after the claim, while the pathetic, lying fake news legacy media continued to tip toe around the facts and keep unmarked grave misinformation alive, Rebel News released a tell-all investigative documentary, Kamloops: The Buried Truth, to bring the public never before seen answers from the BC Coroners Service, the RCMP, and even Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Chief Rosanne Casimir herself. The lie continues though, while much of the media have tried to silently step away from this. Including, Kamloops First Nation puts even more distance from 'mass grave' claim | National Post. Hmmm, I wonder why.

Over in Manitoba, the same lies and falsehoods were being peddled by the corrupt and deceptive government parties and their propaganda division. After a month-long excavation of a former residential school, a Catholic church basement has procured no evidence of human remains. In Saskatchewan, the same thing occurred, without any real and factual evidence.

Even if graves had been found, does that indicate a crime took place? Absolutely not. Who is to say that these wouldn't just be the regular graves of children that died as a result of natural causes such as illnesses and diseases which swept through Canada in the 20th century, especially the first half? Child mortality rate was exceptionally and alarmingly high in the first half of the 20th century. I know of men who lost multiple siblings over consecutive weeks due to illnesses such as Cholera, easily treatable in our day. I am referring to non-Indian children, who died in very high numbers all across Canada. If skeptics want to unearth bodies to prove that point, they can go to non-Indian children’s graves across the nation. There are tens of thousands of children’s bodies that could be unearthed, if not more than that. So it would've been no different at the Residential Schools. But then there was Tuberculosis (TB), which wiped put massive amounts of Indians especially. I understand that children suffered physical and sexual abuse, malnutrition and neglect, but that doesn't surprise us seeing that its the Roman Catholic Church that superintended the residential schools (this author has personally witnessed the same in other Catholic institutions, such as Mother Teresa's Homes in Kolkata, India, prior to my conversion to Christ.). But those cases were the exception, not the rule. The child mortality rate was very high in the early 1800’s in North America, and remained high into the early 1900’s. Some of those reasons are biological and some are immigration-related. In 1915, before the so-called “Spanish Flu epidemic” began, 27% of Canada's population had died as young children. It is an evidential assumption that this number was much higher amongst the Indian population. And who is to say that the Spanish flu was not entrenched at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, since the Spanish Flu had by 1918 had infiltrated the small town of Kamloops (roughly population 4,000 in 1918) according to a news article published in “Kamloops This Week,”in June 2021.

If there are regular graves from natural causes, which some believe to be in the Apple Orchard on the property, why no small wooden crosses, like really small, which was normal in that day? For the same reason why they removed the wooden crosses dotting the highway heading into Kamloops representing the 215 alleged graves after only a year: they diminished in aesthetics, disintegrating into rubble in the hot Kamloops sun. But they have found nothing in the Orchard either.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, made up of biased Indians, reported outright falsehoods and lies, and ignored the following facts about Residential Schools: the educational value of education which was not happening in reservations for the most part (hence John A MacDonalds suggestion to remove them from the reservation so they would actually get an education) with the alternative of no education at all in remote areas where a day school was not feasible; that both Indian chiefs and parents saw residential schools as a treaty right and petitioned to keep them open into the 1960s; that parents had to apply to send their children to residential schools; that the mandatory attendance which began in 1920 was to go to school (one-third going to day school, one-third to residential school, and one-third never going to any school); that the schools took in orphans and served as a refuge for children and in some cases adults who were abused on the reserve or without the necessities of life; and that many former students testified their time there was the happiest in their lives.

We are all for justice. Justice is critical, which would put Trudeau and his minions behind bars for the remainder of their lives, for many, many reasons. Did bad things happen at these Catholic run Residential Schools, which some estimates claim to have housed 150,000 Indian children across the country of Canada? Of that I have no doubt, seeing after all that it was the Roman Catholic Church that was in charge of these institutions, a false religious cult that has a history of abuse and murder (killing over 50 million professing Christians during the dark ages, for not bending the knee to the RCC system), one that I am no fan of. If there were issues in the residential schools, the problem doesn’t lie with the average Canadian, but with Roman Catholicism (Trudeau's religion). That is where the Indian people should be taking the issue up, and NOT attempt to hold the rest of the country hostage. In so doing, they prove the only reason why they pursue after this is for monetary benefit, and for some, stoking division and anger in the country, along the same vein as what occurred exactly a year earlier in the USA, with the lifetime criminal George Floyd fiasco.

I wonder where the Indian children were better off, at the Residential School or at home in their Indian reservation? North America Indian tribe reservations are the worst example of failed socialist experiments in my opinion. High government dependency, widespread corruption, abuse by elders, sexual abuse and molestation, and massive, I mean absolutely massive, amounts of drug addiction and alcoholism and suicide and hopelessness. The whole system needs to be abolished, and the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ preached, but what isn’t helping is the false social “gospel” being “preached” by EMC missionaries and other "evangelicals."

The Indian victimology must come to a full stop. “Truth and Reconciliation" through the Word of God and the true gospel of Jesus Christ, not the counterfeit placebo of a "gospel" sold to them through the Roman Catholic Church, is crucial. But irregardless whether they choose to repent or not, the victimology and pity party must come to an immediate end. Many, many peoples of many nations have been persecuted and abused over the course of history from the antiquity of the sun, but the victims moved on. What else can one do? What happens when the money runs out? Find another "mass grave"? What do they want? Status as kings in the land? The Anabaptists/Baptists (my people), for example, were persecuted to death for their faith, hunted for many years in Europe, Russia and other nations, but they soldier'd on and rebuilt. They didn't play the victim card. They didn't lug their carcasses around, moping with lips dragging on the ground, and run to the bottle to drown their sorrow, but lifted their shoulders, moved their legs, and asked God to give them the love in their hearts to forgive their enemies, for "Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins." (Pr 10:12). "He that covereth a transgression seeketh love;" (Pr 17:9a).

For further informative reading on this subject, check out the "Indian Residential Schools Research Group (IRSRG), who seeks to gather and promote research into the residential, industrial, and day school systems run by or in conjunction with the Government of Canada for a 113-year period ending in 1996:" @ A well written book on the subject and best seller: Grave Error: How The Media Misled Us (and the Truth about Residential Schools.

EMC's Furtherance of Indian Victimology and their False Social Gospel

A few months after these alleged discoveries were made at the Kamloops Residential Indian School, a missionary of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference (EMC) wrote an article for EMC's monthly publication, The Messenger, that incorporates this subject into his experience with the Indians and the Truth and Reconciliation program. The article in question is titled Swords Into Plowshares (as a rule, we do not link articles that represent false Christianity, corruption of God's Word, or anything else of that nature; people can find the article themselves, if they desperately desire to read through it, but we've made an exception here). It is authored by missionary Peter Fehr, about him,

"Reshaping My Thinking About the Pain of Indigenous People."

It was this event of allegedly finding bodies under the Kamloops school together with what he witnessed at the Truth and Reconciliation commission, that compelled Fehr from the EMC denomination to write this article without even knowing whether it was actually and factually true. Considering the timing of it, right in the middle of a tyrannical plandemic and scamdemic, and the mainstream media hysterics (who are habitual liars and deceivers, anti-Christ, woke and ungodly pushers of the Liberal and NDP Antichrist government groups propaganda, something they prove on a daily basis) he should've certainly known better, if he had any discernment or testing mindset. But no, he (and they) just took the bait--hook, line and sinker. And sinker it was. It turned out to be complete hog wash, predictably. The independent media group, Rebel News, didn't have the wool pulled over their eyes at any point (source), and most of them aren't even professing Christian. The fake news that compelled Fehr to write his article and further the Indian victimology, turned out to be a lie. He should have read Rebel News. So he believed a lie, which isn’t surprising because the people of EMC have been brainwashed into believing many lies about the gospel, about salvation, about Christian living, about the Bible, about worship and about many other things (some of which is exposed in our reports, here, and here and here and here). It’s easy to deceive, deceived people.

There is an irony in this. Groups like the EMC write articles that further the lies and myths and hoaxes about the Indian residential schools but I haven’t seen them write any articles about all the 100+ churches that are burning around western Canada, very likely lit up by mostly Indians (many of the churches have been burnt on Indian Reservations). No articles on that but happily they write in protest for the Indian victimology. The social gospel wouldn't have anything to do with that.

Scripture Corruption and False Doctrine

Right off the bat, the article espouses scripture twisting and manipulation into a meaning that it doesn’t have, which Fehr then uses as a foundational allegory for the remainder of the article. That is of the title, Swords Into Plowshares. The title of the article is drawn from Mi 4:3 and Is 2:4, where we read from the King James Bible (from whence all English speaking people should be reading),

“And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”

This passage is certainly not applicable to our times nor any other age prior to our time, but the Millennial kingdom of Christ, the one thousand year reign of Christ coming soon upon the earth. Fehr is forcing this passage and corrupting it by allegoricalism to make it align to this day we live, and obviously does not have the spiritual discernment and understanding to know that these passages are very clearly referring to a time that couldn't even be now, but when the Lord Jesus Christ rules the world as King from His throne in Jerusalem. Seeing that Fehr wrests these Scriptures from their obvious meaning, is he rejecting this foundational teaching of Scripture, that of the Millennial Kingdom and Reign of Christ? Is he implying that the millennial kingdom is presently occurring? This rejection of a very obvious and important literal Biblical truth is very normal in the neo-evangelical world. Yes swords will be bent into plows but that happens, literally, under the Authority of Christ the King who will rule the world with a rod of iron (Ps 2:9; Rev 2:27; 12:5; 19:15). Fehr says,

“For two decades or so this vision has been part of my journey.”

His vision has not been in line with Scripture and will never come to pass on this side of the Millennial kingdom. His journey has been marred by a false interpretation of Scripture and (likely) rejection of a foundational Biblical doctrine, in part due to a false system of Christianity. His journey could well end in a ditch (Lk 6:39). I pray not.

The quote in context, after quoting Mic 4:3; Is 2:4 from the modern Bible perversion NIV, he wrote,

The prophets Micah and Isaiah share a vision. Isaiah’s vision was for Judah and Jerusalem; Micah’s was for the last days, where nations cultivated relationships and not strife. It was a God-given vision for his people. For two decades or so this vision has been part of my journey. It is a vision that reshaped my thinking. At times the reshaping was a slow process; in other times it was jolting and painful.”

This is not true, what he is saying here, attempting to twist his misinterpretation of Is 2:4 into practical usefulness in our present day, to give support to his article of peacemaking between the Indian and the white man, turning swords into plowshares. Both Isaiah and Micah were writing about the last days, the end times, literally, not some fanciful spiritualized meaning, the time when Israel will be back in her land (now) and saved (not now, but in the Great Tribulation, the 70th week of Daniel) and living under their King, their Messiah (the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, after the Great Tribulation). Isaiah's account is about "Judah and Jerusalem" during the "last days," even as Isaiah says two verses prior to v. 4. Furthermore, v. 3, is all about the Millennial Kingdom, Christ's 1,000 year reign on earth as King. The vision was for Israel in the Millennial Kingdom (cf. Ps 72:1-19), when she as a nation would be saved and God the Son ruling the world from Jerusalem as King with a "rod of iron" (Ps 2:9; Rev 2:27; 12:5; 19:15).

Fehr's "vision" is severely misplaced. He is not living in the Millennial Kingdom at the present. No one is. This heretical "peacemaking" at the expense of truth and the true gospel, is not what saves people, or points the hearts of sinners to Christ. What did Jesus declare in Matt 10:34 (and parallel passages)?

 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."

The "peace" or reconciliation Fehr is striving after between Indians and white man, is a psuedo-peace. Its faux. It's man-made, from a man-made system.

A sword creates division. That is what the truth believed and preached will do. As the very next passage demonstrates:

"For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." (Matt 10:35-37)

Salvation itself brings this division, which is what Jesus is teaching here, and why there is virtually no such division in Laodicean type of evangelical churches such as EMC:

"And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." (Matt 10:38-39)

Fehr's "vision" has corrupted his ability to fulfill the will of God according to truth. Sharp pointed preaching of the whole counsel of God has been rejected for social-justice "gospel" of tolerance and compromise, while placating the needs and emotions of man.

Becoming a good neighbour to our Indian friends comes through preaching the truth to them (2 Cor 5:18-19; 1 Cor 1:21; Mk 16:15). That is the job of an ambassador of Christ, which is all born again believers (2 Cor 5:20), reconciling the lost with God through the Word of God (2 Cor 5:18-19), which is how they themselves were united with Christ through the new birth (2 Cor 5:17). We of course should help our neighbour with basic daily needs as opportunity arises, but that purpose is to "seek and to save that which is lost" just like Jesus proclaimed and practiced (Lk 19:1-10). That is how we love our neighbour as ourselves.

So, Fehr is completely wrong in what he proposes "for us to engage in the vision God has for his kingdom: turning swords into plowshares, cultivating true relationships." The formulation is wrong but so is the scripture support he is using.

Ecumenicalism with Wokeness

Fehr acknowledges that he has attended “Truth and Reconciliation Commission meetings,” which should unbeknownst to any true born again Christian unless he is there for the specific purpose of preaching the gospel and calling the Indians and government figures to repentance. He wasn’t. He was there to participate and share in their “great grief and pain.” How sad. Why don’t we poor and despised Anabaptists/Baptists whose ancestors were persecuted to death for their faith, hunted for years in Europe, Russia and other nations, start a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission meeting” so we can get our emotions dealt with and then monetary retribution for the sins of the Catholic Church and Protestant denominations such as Lutheranism and Presbyterians (John Calvin)? John Calvin murdered many of our ancestors, even four in one shot, quartered them and hung them about Zurich as a reminder to all who would dare criticize his authority and doctrine. Thousands of Anabaptists/Baptists were slaughtered by Rome and Protestant Denominations, many burned to death. Most North American Indians have never had it that bad, but you don't see the Anabaptists/Baptists playing a pity party and victim card, to gain unlawful loads of money and non-stop apologies, and special status in Europe. The woke nonsense has to stop, and what a shame when it's being propagated by professing Christians.

The sob stories and victim playing continues, enabled by groups like the EMC, and it really has one sole purpose (for the Indians) $$$$$, which only leads to further degeneracy and depravity. Giving them sympathy and a bed of roses will never take away the terrible issue they suffer in the reserves. Keeping the perpetual victim card running, will never heal them. They are wicked sinners, just like we all are, that need to repent and turn to Christ. The truth might be hard to swallow but it’s high time that the truth be spoken. Sadly, professing Christians like Fehr are only sugar coating their sin.

EMC has a colourful history of ecumenicalism, including with Roman Catholicism, which we expose here: Part 4 - The Apostate Shipwreck of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference (EMC).

Strangely nowhere was it ever mentioned in the article that true "healing and redemption" comes through one means only, and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Everything was spoken of from a humanistic vantage point.

Scripture declares,

If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?” (Pr 24:11-12).

The False Social Gospel is a Leading Cause for this Unscriptural Mentality

"Social justice" and tying that to the gospel has invaded evangelicalism. The social gospel movement and the emergent church has an emphasis on “social justice” work. The Roman Catholic Church has built multitudes of schools, hospitals, and orphanages but the doctrinal and gospel foundation of the work is not scriptural. This false teaching is popular today with compromisers, pragmatists and heretics. This man-made doctrine replaces the true and pure Gospel of God. The primary purpose of the local church (the only church; there is no such thing as a "universal church"), is NOT to go ye into all the world and clothe the world, feed the world, or house the world, or make peace between Indian and white man, or continue to pander to the sobs and wallet needs of the residential school "survivors," but rather, it is to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). That is our primary mission in true Bible-believing churches, which are the pillar and ground of the truth.

As evangelicalism has bent and catered to the world, they have come to realize (I hope anyway) that its a slippery slope, because the world is not just content to reflect its style, it also demands to dictate its substance as well. The seemingly endless parade of evangelical compromise and heresy bears that out. This is the mentality that exists amongst evangelicals, that they first have to give the world what it wants in order to have any opening for the gospel. This is where the music came in, changing to cater to the carnal flesh. After absorbing the world's methods, not just music but appearance and language and entertainment, and more, they are now forced to adopt the world’s message. The false social gospel is one of those messages. One of the problems tied into this is a pathological addiction to the sin of desiring the praise of men, which is entrenched deep into neo-evangelical churches. A lot of compromise and pragmatism, with resultant disobedience and denial of truth, comes out of this unscriptural trait. Paul the apostle said that he didn't seek to please men, but God. Only.

"For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." (Gal 1:10)

A rejection of the plainness and unambiguity of Scripture has opened the door for evangelicals and reformed calvinists and others to deny the truth and compromise God’s will. Certain teachings and applications of scripture are ignored or rejected but always  disobeyed. This is one of the Three Main Stops on the Road to Apostasy.

Deviating from sound doctrine and the true gospel has been driven and advanced by neo-evangelicals seeking acceptance in the broader culture and world, like by Indians, for instance, that have "survived" Residential Schools. Seeker sensitivity, psychoheresy, ecumenicalism, ungodly golden calf worship music, all of which are entrenched deeply at EMC, also drives their social gospel, with a false philosophy that whatever attracts the world must be the right doctrine or strategy. They fear being "different." They don't want to be viewed as unsophisticated or out of step with contemporary “wisdom.” One of the ways that contemporary "wisdom" is achieved is through the social "gospel."

The world defines “Social justice” as political ideas that are deemed revolutionary, such as identity politics, critical race theory, the redistribution of wealth, other radical or socialist policies, etc. They have become a dominating part of popular culture. Neo-evangelicals who are chasing the culture are latecomers to the party of those advocating for “social justice,” which always serve pragmatic motives.

Scriptural ministry is never measured numerically or by popular opinion, which is poison. Appreciative crowds does not validate truth or success. Reaching the unsaved through social-justice means is not faithful to Scripture.

"Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." (1 Cor 4:2).
"And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully." (2 Tim 2:5)

It’s telling that Fehr would quote Kevin Wiebe in the article from his unBiblical book “Faithful in Small Things,” where "talks about serving the needy," purveying the heretical social gospel. Wiebe's education has been at deeply heretical and apostate institutions (Providence University College and Conrad Grebel University College) that specialize in advancing false gospels such as the social "gospel," so no surprise there, but it buttresses the fact that social-justice is the "gospel" that Fehr advances.

Most organizations that are about “feeding the hungry,” “serving the needy” and “housing the homeless” do not have scriptural quality control. They don’t care about the biblical principles  Sometimes they are even proud that they are not scriptural or godly. They are not taking into consideration laziness, wickedness, bitterness, anger, what’s going on with the family, among other areas addressed above, things that are rampant amongst the Indians. They very often cannot because they are tied into a government that requires acceptance or toleration of the sin. Acceptance, association, and affiliation give accommodation. Sin is to be reproved and the institutions (such as "Truth and Reconciliation Commission") would not allow sin to be reproved (Eph 5:11). One of the ways they get more funds is through disobedience to what God said. The best someone can do for a society is do all he can do in a local church without association with these organizations. Why do they not like the church? Why do they not like righteousness?

Neo-evangelicals want to be seen “helping” the needy, the downtrodden, the poor, the outcast. They often promote themselves before others for doing so. I’m sure some are well-intentioned. It brings glory in this culture to be seen to care by giving money for temporal things and giving a shoulder to an unsaved sorrowful person rejecting the gospel but bitter towards some wrong doing. They should know they won’t get credit for obeying God. That’s living by faith. They are walking by sight, not by faith. Many of them aren’t true believers themselves.

The problems in a society will always continue because people do not obey God in what He says about these things, and God forbid professing Christian groups are pandering them along. Matt 4:4 gives a clue what is needed. 

“But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

EMC habitually panders to a false gospel, false on many fronts, delivering carefully edited and censored "gospel" presentations. Anemic, extremely watered down, no clear preaching against sins (they can say the word "sin" now, they have progressed that far, but very few of the many sins documented in scripture are mentioned ever at all), nothing about hell, nothing about Biblical repentance or true faith or the Lordship of Jesus/God, changing salvation into something that is progressive, no necessity to a have clear testimony of instantaneous and dramatic conversion, fruit/evidence of salvation is not taught or expected or probably even known. We cover this and more in our four part series on The Apostate Shipwreck of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference (EMC), giving plenty of evidence of the false gospel that runs rank in the EMC denomination.

But in the article, at the end under "Welcome Home!" a poem written in honour of an Indian boy who got killed while living with the author, we have another form of false gospel, that appears to be a "gospel" of works, or at least a gospel of being accepted into heaven because of your social status on earth as an oppressed Indian boy that lives a life of injustice and prejudice. While in this life he was last supposedly, because of his status in society, that of being "just another Indian boy,” but the boy is welcomed into heaven, because in heaven he is not "just another Indian boy.” As he hypothetically enters heaven, at the hesitation of the boy, “Don’t you know that I am just…” “Stop,” the Master cries. “Stop!” Eyes burning with compassion the Master speaks, “The father of lies is defeated; he has no place here.” He goes on to write that because God had formed him and saw His own image in him, saw his struggles and heard his cries, that he was "covered with [God's] blood, you are my child, you are my workmanship, what I have I give to you. . . . Child, welcome home! You belong”! NOWHERE, and I repeat NOWHERE, is there even the slightest hint of a testimony of salvation, and worse, the struggles and cries and Indian prejudice are directly implied as being the cause and effect for his salvation, for him being covered in God's blood and being accepted as a child of God. He didn't enter heaven through the new birth, but through God's mercy on his social oppresion because of his status as "just another Indian boy."

Heresy is a mild word to describe this perversion of God's gospel, which is "another gospel" (2 Cor 11:4) that bequeaths the author as "accursed" (Gal 1:6-9). It's a "damnable heresy" which is the work of a "false teacher" (2 Pet 2:1). Paul declared, twice for emphasis,

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Gal 1:8-9)

This false gospel is morphed into a false social-justice gospel, where humanism, man-made programs, cross-cultural tolerance and ecumenicalism, niceness and hospitality, even good works, have taken the place of the truth that saves. Attempting to reconcile unsaved people with some false hope, healing and truth that is not founded upon Scripture, that is based upon a hard life of prejudice because of (allegedly) the color of their skin, is not going to go well for that person in eternity, or the preacher that misleads them.

The Lords dialogue and dealings with the Samaritan woman at the water well (Jn 4), completely obliterates and shatters into a thousand pieces, that false social “gospel” of the “evangelicals” today. His concern was one: preaching the gospel to lost souls for their salvation. Jesus didn’t preoccupy Himself with her social or poor condition, never mind help her in such ways. Today, the "evangelical" would have been busy sympathizing her broken marriages and poor estate (women usually didn't go to the water well during mid day to retrieve water), and not preach sharply to her sin of adultery and need of repentance.

The Lord's Sermon on the Mount refutes the social "gospel." The social-justice “gospel” that is quick to gain the favour of man and the world, so all thereby can boast that “in thy name done many wonderful works” (Matt. 7:21-23), does not match the Lord’s agenda for His people. “…for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” (Rom. 14:23). And true faith works, obeys the Word of God, thereby showing love first and foremost to their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Jn 14:15-23; 1 Jn 2:3-6). The contemporary “evangelical” church is quick to quote the Sermon on the Mount but they don’t even obey most of it. They just pick and choose what they like, and what they don't like they leave for the trash bin.

Neither Jesus nor the Apostle Paul at all devoted themselves to causes of social justice. Neither attempted to stop Roman slavery or gender inequality. "In Christ Jesus" was none of these, "but a new creature" (Gal 6:15). The Lord and Paul sowed to the Spirit, reaping life eternal and new creatures. Life was too short for temporal preoccupations. They were irrelevant in light of eternity.

The spotlight of churches on racial reconciliation, Residential Indian School injustices, "truth and reconciliation commissions," breaking the glass ceiling, orphans, rebuilding Haiti, or community soup kitchens make "a fair show in the flesh" (Gal 6:12). They neutralize the offence of the cross of Christ and other objectionable aspects of the gospel message. They put the emphasis right where the world wants it — on self.

The social gospel elevates the temporal, like Esau relinquishing his birthright for a mess of pottage (Gen 25:31-34). This confuses people. It sends a wrong, false message that this is your best life now, which in the case is the Indian people. No. Faith trades the temporal for the eternal. This is the simplicity of losing your temporal life for eternal life. The social elevates the former as the priority.  Jesus doesn’t do this. He says give up the world and take Him, which is to obtain eternal life.

The social gospel doesn’t take scripture seriously. It primarily uses the Bible, such as Matt 25, popularly, to advance their crusade for betterment of the world. The goal for them is not understanding what Jesus said in Matt 25, but using what he said for an agenda, one that isn’t true. The same author, Peter Fehr, has done the same with that passage, pushing an unscriptural agenda.

Born again Christians dealings with social matters must be in line with the Word of God, which clashes with the false social-justice "gospel." Our priority in good works for fellow man is the eternal salvation of souls. Jesus didn't come to earth and go to the cross to make the world a better place for its inhabitants. He came to pay the penalty for our sin. He came to reconcile us to God so that we could be with Him for all eternity. That's the good news of the gospel. Yet the Bible tells us that as we have "opportunity, let us do good unto all men...." Obviously, the best "good" is to encourage unbelievers to repent and turn to the Lord. Thus we preach, and how beautiful is that (see Rom 10:14-15)! We can demonstrate the love of God through preaching His Word and providing for physical needs. These "opportunities" are a blessing and a natural result of living our lives for the Lord Jesus Christ, but many put the cart before the horse, because they don't actually genuinely know the Lord Jesus Christ. They are imposters.

Everything I’ve written here is true. Someone isn’t doing good or helping by denying the truth. It’s also vanity. It’s a waste of time and energy and resources. God wants us to be good stewards, faithful and wise stewards (Lk 12:42), and that requires obeying the Word of God (1 Jn 2:3-5), not doing our own thing, or what the world and popular culture is doing.


The Canadian National Day of Truth and Reconciliation is a ”holiday” based upon lies and a hoax. Almost everything legacy media is reporting on Indian Residential Schools is not true. The so-called “mass graves” discovered at the Kamloops Indian Residential School is a fairy tale. A hoax. It was obvious right from the start, for the fact alone that the very opposite is true as to whatsoever the evil Liberal and NDP political parties advance and gaslight the public with.

But what is shameful and disgraceful is when a professing Christian group, the EMC denomination, one of a number “evangelical” groups, is advancing these lies and Indian victimology, instead of being truthful, and preaching the truth, and obeying the Word of God.

Sadly nothing in the article authored by the EMC missionary reflects anything like the missionary work noted in the Word of God, such as in the Book of Acts, where truth was consistently and non-compromisingly preached, the true gospel advanced, no political correctness propagated, and souls genuinely converted. The apostles and their acts, along with the evangelizing work of the Lord Jesus Christ, all of whom we are commanded to emulate (e.g., 1 Cor 4:16-17; Matt 10:25), did not pervert the truth, did not propagate the pity party of victims (cf. Lk 12:13-15). Even early missionaries to the continent of North America right up till the middle of the 20th century were nothing like these modern day, deeply compromised and worldly missionaries. Take for example Egerton Ryerson Young, who worked among the Indian people of northern Canada (yes, he called them Indian), and won many to true salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. His wonderful book, Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires, can be purchased through Lighthouse Trails Research Project.

You can read some of his accounts of miraculous conversions by clicking on the pictured report 👉🏻 on The Power of God Save Among the Indians — Stories of Chief Maskepetoon, Indian Joe & Others, or by clicking here.

This is the real "truth and reconciliation" that the Indian people need to hear (and the rest of humanity) and not the temporal placebo they salivate after and the government gladly feeds them, and deceived "evangelicals" corrupt them with (like Catholicism did before them).

In 2 Cor 5:17-21 we see the incredible cyclic effect of “truth and reconciliation.” Gods Word is truth (Jn 17:17) whereby a man is “born again … of incorruptible seed, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever” (1 Pet 1:23-25). In one nanosecond, by regeneration, the moment of their salvation (2 Cor 6:2) the sinner becomes a complete new creature in Christ with all old things passed away (v. 17), and is reconciled to God through Christ (v 18a), never again are his or her sins imputed (reckoned) unto them (v. 19a). At that very moment the reconciled saint becomes an ambassador for the King (v. 20a) and is committed with “the ministry” and “word of reconciliation” (vv. 18b-19), to beseech the lost to be “reconciled to God.” (v. 20b). "Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." (1 Cor 4:2).

Are you born again (Jn 3:3-21)? Have you been saved and reconciled to God (1 Cor 5:17-19) through a "love of the truth" (2 Th 2:10)? Many will not "receive . . . the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (2 Th 2:10).

Please keep reading here on how you can made right with God, and know that you are a child of God and have peace with God, the genuine and eternal meaning of "truth and reconciliation": How A Sinner Can Be Saved and Have Eternal Life.


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