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Why Christians Vote for Trump

Writer's picture: ReubenReuben

Updated: Jan 15

Updated: November 5, 2024

I am thankful that God protected Donald Trump from the numerous Demoncratic/Leftist assassination attempts over the last couple months, something rarely mentioned by the fake news media, which is unsurprising. We are praying that he will win the U.S. presidential election in a few days. There is an urgency for people to get out and vote red, for many reasons, some of which will be listed here. Do not abstain from voting. Vote Trump/Vance 2024!🇺🇸

Voting for Trump is not subtle, nor choosing the lesser of two evils. There is a world of difference between the Republican and Democratic parties, the latter of which will be referred to Demoncrats from hereon. You have two political parties, one is for death and one is for life, one is for tyranny and one for freedom and peace, one for destruction and government dependence and the other for prosperity and autonomy, one for communism/marxism and the other capitalism/biblicism, and so on — tell your friends, family, neighbours and strangers to get out and vote red; not doing so is treacherous and destructive to the future of America, and will only result in profound persecution and suffering and destruction, with no peaceable living.

I have no doubt that Trump will win...if the election is fair. My estimation is 4 out of 5 Americans are voting red. He will win, unless we see electoral fraud like we saw back in 2020 of volcanic proportions, which election he won easily, stupendously in fact, maybe one of the greatest lopsided wins ever besides Reagan. They are already at it as we speak, with Trump filing lawsuits to fight illegal election shenanigans in swing state. For this reasons it is a good thing that Trump is unwilling to promise to abide by the results of Tuesday’s election. We all know how awfully corrupt and deceptive the Demoncratic party is. Anything close, specifically in the swing states, will be opportunity to cheat. It won't be close, but they will attempt to make it appear as such, so they can pull off another steal.

The election isn't close as the lying MSM with their fake news are filling ears. Its not close. It's a lie. People are being brainwashed to believe the wicked lies of the woke devils that are set on destroying America, so they can steal another election. Trump is winning massively, but they keep it "close" to steal another election. It won't happen. The right will not let that happen again.

Yes there are problems in the Republican Party but absolutely nothing in comparison to the exceedingly evil Demoncratic left, and almost in every way it will benefit life, happiness and Biblical living when the reds when. Please encourage your people to go and vote for Trump and help them understand the reasons why. Don’t be an abolitionist. Get off the couch and vote.

Truthfully, I despise politics. It is dirty, compromising business at best. There is no godly party of America or anywhere else on this corrupt earth (and if there were, it very likely wouldn’t be winning many elections!). The Republican Party is a moral mess, and both parties spend money like drunken sailors. But when it comes to law and order and freedom of religion and speech, which are very important things, the choice between these two major political parties of America is like night and day. Where are the Republican rioters burning down businesses and shooting peaceful protestors and surrounding people to demand that they support Trump or else? Where are the Republican mayors and governors legitimizing riots? Where are the Republican attorneys general and district attorneys who are weak on punishing violent criminals but strong on filing charges against peaceful citizens for bearing arms in self-defense or protesting abortion clinics (in one case, an evil, demonic and woke DEI-planted judge has sentenced a 75 year old grandmother to two years prison for praying outside a Washington D.C. baby-murdering mill and even taunted horrified husband for their Christian faith) or some phony charge against a President? Where are the Republican educators who are removing the names of the Founding Fathers from their schools? Where are the Republican governors who are releasing violent criminals back into the population? Where are the Republican mayors who are defunding the police? Where is the Republican cancel culture? Where are the Republicans who are oppressing churches?

I am appalled at spineless preachers who straddle the fence and compromise over voting. I recently listened through a sermon of where the pastor stated that he would not tell the people who to vote for, but only to vote. There is only one reason for the compromise and that is numbers, filling pews and the coffers. These are dangerous hirelings and the cause of the serious problems in America. They don't belong in the pulpit.

Reason # 1 — When You Vote Trump, You are Voting for Many Very Important and Life-Altering Things

  • You are voting for a patriot that loves America (not hates it, like the demoncratic party).

  • You are voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

  • You are voting for the Second Amendment and our right to defend our lives and our families.

  • You are voting for the next conservative Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  • You are voting for the continued growth of retirement and reducing inflation.

  • You are voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

  • You are voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

  • You are voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law and Order. We are tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and living in freedom when they belong behind bars.

  • You are voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  • You are voting for a government that opposes and fights against Socialism and Communism.

  • You are voting against the WEF and Globalists Elites.

  • You are voting against the deplorable trans/sodomite movement

  • You are voting to keep our jobs in America and not be outsourced all over the world -- such as to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. We want USA made.

  • You are voting for secure borders and legal, justified immigration. Hundreds of thousands, even millions of illegal immigrants have been allowed into our country because of the Demoncratic party, of which hundreds if not thousands have been Islamic or other terrorists, thanks to the Biden/Harris term (confirmed by Homeland Security).

  • You are voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.

  • You are voting for the Military and the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.

  • You are voting to keep Men out of Women's sports.

  • You are voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

  • You are voting for someone tough on foreign enemies.

  • You are voting for national security and law enforcement, a hard stance on immigration and crime.

  • You are voting for Freedom of Speech. You are voting for the right to speak our opinions and not be censored.

  • You are voting for Religious Freedom: Trump has been seen as a strong advocate for religious freedom, emphasizing the importance of protecting the rights of individuals to worship and gather freely.

  • You are voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science, instead of indoctrinating our children and forcing pronouns and sordid lifestyles, which will destroy many of the children.

  • You are not just voting for one person, You are voting for the future of our Country.

  • You are voting for a Pro-Life Stance: Trump has taken a firm stance against abortion, appointing Supreme Court justices who helped overturn Roe v. Wade.

  • You are voting for your children and grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.

  • You are voting for Support of Israel: Trump has shown strong support for Israel, recognizing Jerusalem as its capital and moving the U.S. embassy there.

  • You are voting for Criminal Justice Reform: Trump signed the First Step Act, which aimed at reforming the criminal justice system and allowing for the successful reintegration of prisoners into society.

  • You are voting to Combat Human Trafficking: Trump's administration has invested in programs to combat human trafficking and support survivors.

You want to live a godly, peaceable and quiet life (1 Tim 2:1-4)? Vote red.

The wicked Demoncratic party will do the very opposite. They will do the very opposite of the above list and utterly destroy your life at every opportunity, especially if you are white.

Reason # 2  Trump Opposes Baby Murder, and Overturned Roe vs Wade. He Also Opposes Other Forms of Violence or Danger Towards Our Children (e.g. Vaccinations, Fluoride in H2O).

Donald Trump has enacted many pro-life policies. By the grace of God, it just so happened that three Supreme Court appointees retired during Trumps first term as President, and all three were replaced by young textualist, originalist conservative-leaning judges, potentially getting fifty years out of each of their service. These three appointments resulted in a tip of the balance in favour of conservatives, and thus overturning the evil and abominable Roe vs Wade baby murdering mill, that has cost the lives of over 50 million babies in America since its inauguration in the 1970's.

Who wants to pay for the murder of little baby boys and girls in the womb? The Demoncratic party loves to murder helpless babies in the womb right up till birth (even outside the womb) and will force you to pay for abortion with your tax dollars, you will be forced to pay for bloody murder with your own dollars–your conscience does not matter. The Demoncrat party opposed the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act–so even infanticide is acceptable. Babies do not even get the painkillers given to dogs and cats before they are ripped limb from limb in excruciating pain and thrown in the garbage like trash. U.n.b.e.l.i.e.v.a.b.l.e! God's wrath and judgment must be wearing thin.

Even without the abomination of the “Equality Act,” Biden fully endorsed the Obama administration’s policies when it tried to destroy Wheaton College because the school would not pay for abortion. Obama wanted to destroy the Little Sisters of the Poor because they would not pay for health insurance that included abortion and contraception for nuns. Forget helping the poor; destroying nuns was more important unless they were willing to pay for abortion even to the point of making celibate nuns pay for abortion. A vote for Harris and the Demoncratic party, or a vote for the Constitution party candidate or any other person who has 0% chance to actually win, is failing to do what you can to help stop this continued mass murder.

We cover the subject of abortion in the report, The Diabolical and Murderous Act of Abortion — Shedding Innocent Blood.

Trump also opposes the FACE Act, a federal legislation borne during the Clinton era and designed to prosecute pro-life activists. And that is exactly what the evil and Satanic blood-thirsty demoncratic party has done, with the vengeful and malicious Attorney General Merrick Garland at the helm, who has made it a personal hobby to prosecute as many as he can under this diabolical Act. Presently nine pro-life activists have been sentenced to federal prison, thus dubbed the Garland 9 by their supporters. Some of these individuals are elderly grandma's and grandpa's. Trump will bring Garland’s Bolshevik reign of terror to an end, so that nine innocent people may go free.

Trump appears to also oppose other forms of violence against children, unlike his opposition (the Demoncratic Party), including "vaccinations" and Fluoride in water. More and more he is becoming an anti-vaxxer, which is excellent news, knowing all to well that "vaccines" are one of the most evil and destructive things you will ever allow into your body or your children. I speak personally to the matter, as an expert witness and student to the evil of vaccinations (Lord willing we will be publishing a report on the subject in the near future). This from July 18th (to watch the video, click on the picture):

It appears perhaps Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the former independent presidential candidate, might be having a potential role in Trump’s White House, which has put the mainstream woke "researchers" into frenzied hysteria.

Why the hysteria? Because RFK questions “the science,” just like Trump. RFK Jr. Says Trump Would Push to End Adding Fluoride to Drinking Water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neuro-developmental disorders, and thyroid disease, and the whole argument by Dental Associations that fluoride added to tap water in a bid to combat tooth decay, is a pile of baloney if I have ever heard. Since 1945, U.S. municipalities have been adding fluoride to water and contributing to cancer and many other serious issues.

RFK is also against the whole covid fiasco and government overreach and tyranny. MSM reports that Kennedy has recommended Dr. Joe Ladapo as Surgeon General, the current Surgeon General of Florida, an excellent choice for the job.

"We are still talking to people and he is among the people we are talking to. He was willing to question some of the government orthodoxies to not close the schools, to not force people to wear masks, to look actually at the safety data from the vaccines, rather than just accept the words that vaccines are safe and effective." (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

These are wonderful developments for people that care about their health, and parents that care about their children.

Reason # 3  Trump Will Defend Religious Liberty and Freedom of Speech.

Donald Trump’s policies align closely with Christian conservative values. His administration has been vocal about issues such as pro-life stances on the murder of babies (aka. abortion), religious freedom, freedom of speech, and traditional family values. Trump appointed judges who are perceived to be sympathetic to the Constitution, which is essential for protecting American rights and freedoms.

1 Tim 2:1-4 of the NT commands us to pray for leaders, specifically over the matter of liberty:

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim 2:1-4)

That liberty in the USA will ONLY come through a Trump administration, as far as politicial parties are concerned. Four more years of a Demoncratic regime will utterly destroy any fragments of liberty that presently exist, hanging on by a thread.

Prayer expects “feet.” Just like we go out and work when we pray for daily bread while trusting God (Matt 6), we go out and vote for Donald Trump as President when we pray for liberty and to live a quiet and peaceable Christian life in peace. Trump will appoint judges who believe that the First Amendment means what it says. His justice department will not force you to violate your conscience to keep your job. He will not force Christian adoption agencies to place children in the “families” of evil and filthy reprobate sodomites. He will not try to shut down and destroy Christian schools and colleges. He will stand with business owners who are unwilling to violate their consciences and call good evil and evil good.

During the last election, Bidden and Demoncrat leaders promised to pass the Orwellian-named “Equality Act,” which would add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories in federal law, and that is exactly what occurred. And now Harris and her cronies will establish this evil "law" to its full extent, while Trump and a Republican House can overturn this. You want to have a counsellor help your son, who is getting brainwashed into thinking he is a girl in public school? Even if he wants to be normal and not a pervert, it could well be against the law to help him. You realize you have made a big mistake in putting your child in a public school and so you put him in a Christian school? Harris will try to destroy your Christian school by forcing it to hire teachers that are sodomites. You have a business that offers health insurance? You will be forced to pay for employees if they want to mutilate their bodies and pretend to be the other sex. You don’t want a grown and morally twisted man taking off his clothes with your daughter alone in a locker room? Too bad, so sad. The evil Demoncratic party wants to turn America into Sodom and Gomorrah.

“The fight for our nation is ultimately a fight for our families,” Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts says. Trump’s previous presidency speaks to his position and emphasis on the importance of religious freedom in America. He has taken steps to protect the rights of Christian organizations and individuals from what some perceive as encroachment by government regulations. This includes actions like rolling back restrictions on faith-based organizations and advocating for the right of businesses to operate according to their religious beliefs.

Under Trump we will be able to live in peace at a much greater level than under any Demoncratic government. We won't have to worry about being thrown in prison for standing against the sodomite agenda, or from a soup kitchen line because Harris and Waltz have destroyed my business for not paying for abortion, or from a hospital because an Antifa thug has burned my house down, and living out of a garbage bin filled with little bloodied hands and legs and ribs and eyes that, instead of being able to look up at a smiling mother and father caressing and kissing them, are ripped in pieces and covered with gore.

Donald Trump values free speech and opposes communist/marxist evil George Soros-paid Antifa thugs Burning, Looting, and Murdering (BLM). He stands against these evil violent criminals who burn, loot, and plunder, which are mostly black supremacists. Biden on the other hand was very weak and wobbly on condemning left-wing political violence as it raged unchecked through Demoncrat-controlled parts of the country. At that time, Harris made ridiculous statements in support of the anarchists in Portland–and she has also stated that she would confiscate your firearms too, and do so even without Congress and solely by executive branch tyranny, so you can’t even defend yourself when evil beasts come for you.

Reason # 4 — Because of Trump's Successful First Term and Fulfillment of Promises.

Everything he said he would do, he did.

He is the only President in the last 50 years who didn't start a war while in office.

He created peace with North Korea, the only President who has been able to meet with its psycho communist leader.

America flourished under Trump economically.

He built a chunk of the wall, protecting America from illegal immigrants.

He defended religious liberty and freedom of speech and America.

Reason # 5  Trump Has Been the Product of Horrible and Repeated Smears and Attack Campaigns Because of His Opposition to the Satanic Globalist Destruction of the World and Mankind.

The worst witch hunt, smear campaign, attack on any presidential candidate (or president) has been against President Donald J. Trump, without comparison. Its been so evil and diabolical, everything fed by lies and deception, one wonders how its architects still walk free. Where do we begin? There was Russiagate and for the first time in history the House of Representatives impeached a first-term president twice, and another first the Senate tried Trump as a private citizen. There is also his apparent authoritarian tendencies and rhetoric. Trump didn't start any vicious rhetoric and when has it been rhetoric at all?! Trump has said nothing that was bad or untrue. Everything he has said about illegal immigrants is exactly true! His so-called "mean tweets" were honest and accurate. He talks like normal people talk when they say what they are thinking without worrying about offending the perpetually offended. He doesn't care if your feelings are hurt. He is not a fake, like most professing Christians are. The Demoncrats started the vicious rhetoric before Trump ever took office in 2017. They threatened him physically, called him a dictator, and said they would start the impeachment. They are criminals on top of it and belong in prison at best. He's no politician and sometimes I'm amazed at his self control after all this. Phoney Russia BS, phoney impeachments, phoney indictments and then they try to kill him. I'm shocked he has this much self control. In the last year, prosecutors in his former home state launched not one but two trials against him, the first aimed at bankrupting him over loans he repaid in full, the second at imprisoning him for the crime of winning in 2016. In front of juries in Manhattan, a county that voted against Trump by nearly 9 to 1 in 2020, both succeeded.

Reason # 6 — Trump is Anti-Globalist/Elite and Anti-NWO.

Radical elite are deeply entrenched that control the commanding heights, to use Lenin’s term. A brilliant study was done by Scott Rasmussen on the leftist elites in our society in comparison to the American general population, a study aptly termed Them vs. Us. The study surveyed thousands of Elites, “Them,” in contrast to the general population of the same number, the lowlies, the nobodies, the stupid ones, “Us.” The Elites (“Them) were defined as those having a postgraduate degree, a household income of more than $150,000 annually, and living in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile. Approximately 1% of the total U.S. population meets these criteria. These elite segments of the population consistently exhibited views that were distinct from the general population. 73% of the Elites were Democrats, and 14% were Republicans. Half of these elites attended Ivy League schools or other elite private schools, including Northwestern, Duke, Stanford, and the University of Chicago. What the survey showed is that this group of Elites is so radically different than the rest of us, it is simply astounding. When asked the question, Would you be willing to steal an election, rather than lose it?” — 7% of the general American population said yes, while 67% of the Elites said yes! That, according to Rasmussen, was the most frightening poll figure he has ever seen in his career.

Though Trump would be labelled as an elite, “them,” by the above definition, his actual beliefs, behaviour, and practices align with “us.”

Americans intuitively know that the global one-world governance plans is the real threat. Donald Trump is the one politician who has fought against the NWO - which is being promulgated by both the East and the West; the only real difference is who will control the reins of power. That being the element of power not controlled by corporatist interests, as embodied by the WEF. Klaus Schwab’s “scientist” advisor of choice, the evil God-hater Yuval Harari seems to think that Trump represents a major threat to being able to execute on all of their “great reset” (i.e., “New World Order”) planning. If that is not enough justification to vote Trump, I do not know what is. The real and dangerous threat lies beyond our borders, and Trump seems to be one of the only ones willing to confront that threat.

Addendum post election win: In a big way, Trumps promise to pull out of the WHO reflects his anti-globalist position. No WHO means no WHO Pandemic Treaty, which stalls the NWO agenda majorly. But this is only one of many policies that indicate his opposition to the Satanic NWO agenda. There is a reason why all the evil globalists started panicking and calling emergency meetings when Trump won. He is a massive threat to their Satanic pogrom.

Reason # 7 Because of how evil, unGodly, anti-Christian, anti-freedom, Marxist, corrupt, dishonest, deceptive, dangerous and destructive the Demoncratic party really is.

Some highlights of the exceedingly Evil and Fascist Demoncratic Party:

  • They stand against and actively suppress free speech. They are the architects and pushers of The War on Free Speech.

  • They threaten religious liberty.

  • These evil diabolical beasts maliciously libel their political opponent (Trump) as a "fascist" and "Nazi" while they, the left, censor Trump, purposefully cut of his speeches on their propaganda machines (i.e., the fake lying mainstream media), "fact check" him on every turn, try to have him arrested for trumped up falsified charges, try to kick him off the presidential ballot, spied on him, fabricated the Russia hoax, censored damning public information against the Biden family, weaponized law enforcement (i.e. the FBI), and so much more. Who actually are the "fascists" and "Nazis", and not just one or two either but almost the entire party and their supporters!

  • They go after their political opponents with the weaponization of the DOJ, FBI and other law enforcement, attempting to imprison them, and in many cases, doing exactly that. The weaponization of law enforcement was not merely against Donald Trump, it was also against many people on the side of right (e.g., J6 political prisoners, pro-life activists, self-defence cases, etc).

  • They were the ones behind J6 in their attempt to vilify the Republican Party and President Trump, and prevent him from ever running again. Thankfully wiser heads prevailed, yet hundreds of men continue to be held illegally behind bars to this day.

  • They were the ones that forced evil, untested, death shot gene therapy "vaccines" on tens of millions of healthy people, many of which died or have lifelong serious injury.

  • They opened America’s southern border to allow millions of illegal aliens to enter and disrupt and destroy American lives and gain votes in return, until public outcry forced it closed. These fascists arbitrarily nullify any laws they feel do not aid their agendas. Biden-Harris destroyed immigration law in order to bring in more than 12 million illegal aliens and gain new constituencies. They claim there is no such thing as illegal immigration. They also treat these illegals better than their own citizens.

  • They also protected sanctuary cities, as some 600 such jurisdictions illegally and with impunity nullified federal immigration laws in neo-Confederate fashion.

  • They politicized the military. The Demoncratic appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley, brazenly violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice by libelling Trump as a fascist. Even worse, Milley sabotaged the chain of command by ordering theatre commanders to report directly to him in times of serious crises. And in treasonous fashion (and would've gotten him the bullet for sure at this point, in the past), Milley contacted his Chinese communist counterpart in the People’s Liberation Army to assure him that he would warn the Chinese military before carrying out any Trump order he felt existentially dangerous.

  • They support decriminalization of drugs and “decarceration” of violent criminals, letting them back onto the streets to continue their evil and violence and murder and mayhem.

  • They love to murder babies (abortion).

  • They want to steal your guns and make it illegal to defend yourself.

  • They preside over giveaways after another to its favored interest groups.

  • Destroying the American economy with its fear-mongering "climate change" religion.

  • They have, with little notice, pushed through regulations that will make gasoline-powered vehicles all but unaffordable within a decade. They are radical climate religionists, but even they know that it's all a lie and ruse, a means of gaining control of people and their bank accounts, and for censorship. Even the Biden-Harris Admin’s Own Data Undermines Its Push to ‘Electrify Everything’

  • Only the Demoncrats seek to pack the court, destroy the Electoral College, end the Senate filibuster, and create two new states and thus gain four left-wing senators.

  • Demoncrats radically changed voting laws in key states.

  • They appoint activist and anti-God, anti-Christian evil judges.

  • They are Globalist elites in connection with all the evil leaders of the world and in the back pocket of foreign governments.

  • They are pro-trans and pro-sodomy to the extreme, allowing men in woman’s restrooms and locker rooms.

  • Demoncrats have told us that men can be women if they just click their heels three times, and that the United States is an evil nation founded mostly to protect slavery, which is a pile of baloney.

  • Most of all they have tried to shut down -to cancel, to censor -anyone who disagrees with them.

  • Joe's ruined America so let us get rid of an elected President in Israel and set up our own man in Israel to do the same as we have done in America!! These people are Satanic! Joe Biden backs Schumer after senator calls for new elections in Israel

  • They are blasphemers.

I suspect an evil Hyena Harris Administration would be worse than Biden.

A summarized description of the Demoncratic party could go something like this: Socialist, Communist, Marxist, Woke, Anti-God, Anti-Christian, Anti-White, Anti-Jewish/Antisemitism, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Constitution, Anti-First and Second Amendment, Anti-Gun/Self-defence, Anti-Capitalism, Pro-Islam, Pro-Baby Murder, Pro-Government Control, Racist, Divisive, and so much more.

And thats only what we know. They are horribly EVIL, WICKED, and SATANIC, and should not be freely walking amongst us. They are enemies that hate us and want to harm us. That is no over exaggeration.

They are masters of division, evilly creating division through stoking racism, destroying children, opening up the borders, and a hundred other ways. Depicted by the following:

The Demoncratic party uses the legacy fake news MSM (mainstream media) as their propaganda machine, just like all evil dictators and tyrants have over the course of history. Heres a few memes worth a thousand words.

The mainstream media won’t tell you the truth, but we will.

Demoncrats already stole one election (A Ballot Study Finds Trump Almost Certainly Won in 2020). Here is what is occurring in their attempts to steal another.

This one is likely rigged as well by all appearances (source).

Wicked Obama is one of the psychopathic puppet masters running the show from in the shadows of the deep state and swamp, and thus everything occurring today and continuing on in the Demoncratic regime is Obama's agenda in the destruction of America.

They are Masters of Destruction. The fear and loathing on the Left is really all about Destruction. It is rare to find a person at a leftist rally who ever worked for a living or intends to. They claim to be the "oppressed." Daniel Greenfield in the excellent article Fear and Loathing on the Left writes:

"The Nazis believed they were oppressed. The Communists believed they were oppressed. [Moslem] Jihadists raping children and beheading non-Muslims [and blowing up innocent people or hacking Christians to death in Africa or Asia,] believe they were the real victims. . . . Amateur victims become school shooters, filling their diaries with tales of being bullied so they can build up the verve to shoot a bunch of little kids cowering in front of their blue lockers. Professional victims become activists and community organizers so they can do the same thing. They just have a longer wait time which they fill with self-care and race riots before the killing. Leftist politics is a permission structure for evil. Its activism on the outside and its policies on the inside are designed to destroy everything under the guise of saving it. Working from outside the system, leftists lie, subvert, incite, riot, burn and bomb. Working from the inside, they build massive political machines whose purpose is to wreck everything. The carnage is not ‘creative destruction” and it’s not an unintended consequence of a noble idealistic dream of a better country and an equal society, but the entire point of the whole project. . . . The Left does not have a plan for a better world, but for destroying the world. Its theories are sucker bait, its issues are recruitment fodder for fifth columns and their implementation serves no purpose except to seize money and power while ruining everything and fueling outrage. . . . Leftists must destroy because they cannot create. Inside their heads is a little lurking voice telling them how worthless they are every second of the day. Imagine if Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro or AOC had been forced to get actual jobs outside political leftism? Whatever happens on this Election Day or in any election, the Left is waiting to destroy it all."

Daniel Greenfield is also the author of The Truth about Kamala.

How did the Leftist/Marxist Harris by the way become the Demoncrat of choice for President-Elect?

Oh, and whatever happened to Sleepy Joe? Is he still alive? Isn't he still the "President"? He actually never really was. He was only ever a puppet on strings, being led by the Globalist Elite Deep State, who orchestrated the most corrupt and fraudulent election steal in the history of America and maybe even in the world. So he is an illegitimate "President;" a face to speak sound bytes. And now they just threw him under the bus, where he technically, in a theoretical way, was always to begin with.

You may have heard what happened with Peanut the Squirrel this week. Peanut was raised in captivity by Mark Longo from seven years ago. Peanut (and Mark) became an Instagram sensation with over a half million followers. Mark also had another pet named Fred, who was a raccoon. Mark runs a non-profit animal rescue and sanctuary. Someone decided to report Mark to NY State authorities. The New York State police raided Mark’s home this week:

  • A total of 10 officers raided his house

  • He and his wife were not allowed to use the bathroom alone

  • He was not allowed to feed his other rescue animals

  • They interrogated his wife about her immigration status

  • There were search warrants from 4 bureaucratic departments, including FISA.

This week, despite massive public outcry, both Peanut and Fred were put to death by the NY State Environmental police. Their crime was living in captivity. The authorities claimed protection from rabies. Based on the search results, it is extremely rare for squirrels to contract rabies. The data suggests that squirrels are not considered vectors of rabies and have never been known to transmit the disease to humans.

In the end, it's really not about a squirrel or animals, but all about intentional government overreach and control, illegal and overbearing search and seizure, arbitrary and capricious bureaucracies. Murdering someone's pets, while doing nothing about the demon-possessed illegal Haitians eating peoples pets over in Springfield, is the great hypocrisy of evil beasts like the Demoncrats. This is only one example among thousands of the Demoncratic party attempting to destroy its own citizens. We only have to consider the J6 prisoners, and we know how despicably wicked and deceptively dangerous they really are. Yes they are EVIL and they need swift justice. People need to start fighting back, with force. I have no doubt that Trump will have the political prisoners of J6 immediately released and their freedom restored.

John 8:44 and 10:10a are the best NT descriptions of the Demoncratic party and most of their supporters:

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (Jn 8:44)
"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:" (Jn 10:10a)

They are 100% of the Devil, doing his beckon call.

Reason # 8  Kamala Harris is Evil Beyond Imagination, a True Enemy and Hater of America and What is Right

Lets talk inflation...

Beyond what is mentioned above as Basic Demoncratic Practice 101, a Desperate, Elitist Kamala Harris Is Really Hillary Clinton 2.0. Here are some Kamala highlights:

  • Harris isn’t just a vice president with extreme views—she's part of a larger Marxist agenda aimed at undermining the very foundations of our great nation.

  • Harris is a worshipper of Moloch and Baal. Satan in other words, just like most of the rest of the Demoncratic party.

  • Harris Is Keeping Voters In The Dark about how bad her party has made the economy.

  • Harris is running her entire campaign on her love of abortion and hatred of men.

  • From supporting radical leftist policies to her involvement in pro-criminal movements to her pro-Islam anti-Israel positions, Kamala is actively working to reshape America.

  • Harris’ Chicago is one where Moslem devils scream ‘Allahu Akbar’ (translation: 'Satan is Great') and open fire on Jews (source).

  • Harris is tied to anti-police movements and support for defunding law enforcement, leaving American communities vulnerable.

  • Harris and the Demoncrats love to fund Terrorism, especially Islamic Terrorism.

  • Harris has consistently aligned herself with anti-Israel movements, including voicing support for organizations that promote the BDS movement and she has defended U.S. aid to the Islamic Terrorist group, the Palestinian Authority.

  • Harris holds dangerous positions on immigration, advocating for open borders that threaten our national security and destroy America.

  • Harris is a social justice prosecutor. A feminist who covers for sex predators.

  • Harris is a socialist and communist, like her father the professor. A girl who came out of California’s richest and poorest neighborhood. She believes in everything and nothing. Mostly she believes in whatever her audience wants to hear.

  • Harris hates the Lord Jesus Christ. She is no believer. Despite this obvious fact, liberals have poured millions of dollars to astroturf Evangelicals For Harris a campaign that presupposes the faith of Kamala Harris. Moreover, when Christians chanted “Jesus is Lord” at a Kamala rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Kamala Harris rebuffed and mocked them, and told them they were at the wrong rally.

  • Harris is also a women, as far as we know anyway (which isn't always the case nowadays), and women are forbidden to hold any form of leadership position over men, and that includes not in the home, not in the church and not in the workplace. We cover what the Bible says about this in the report: Should Women Ever Hold Authority Over Men?

Harris would be a disaster for America, and everyone with any brains knows that. Ignorance is bliss. But it is also Kamala Harris’ secret weapon. Kamala Harris would be 'a disaster' for America: Trump Hispanic communications director.

The Demoncratic party led by Harris and Waltz is the most evil and diabolical party that has ever existed in America. Yes, even worse than Biden and Obama. Evil beasts do wax worse and worse the Bible says (2 Tim 3:13). They are liars and they are FULLY COMMUNIST.

She has not flip-flopped on anything. Its ALL just lies and deception. This is a warning. Keir Starmer became Prime Minister of the UK on July 5, 2024. Once in power, his true nature and agenda have become apparent. He is as evil as Harris, and they are all on the same Globalists/Woke/NWO train riding down the broad path to destruction and eternal damnation, and taking as many as they can with them.

Victor Davis Hanson writes how "Harris Is Ending Her Campaign With Lies and Smears." In the last two weeks, "Vice President" Kamala Harris has been trying to revive her stagnant campaign by smearing President Donald Trump as being Hitlerian and a fascist.

They lie, lie, lie and more lie, because thats all they can do, since they are thoroughly laden with evil and demon-possession, and because they are just like their father the devil (Jn 8:44) whom they love.

Look at this despicable side-by-side that MSNBC aired during Donald Trump’s Madison Square Garden Rally recently, and you had Tim Walz comparing Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally to a Nazi gathering:

That’s right, they showed Donald Trump’s massive star-studded, patriotic rally…and said it was just like a Nazi rally that happened 85 years ago! And what made it so similar?! They were both held at Madison Square Garden in New York. That’s it.

Harris’ weak response to President Joe Biden’s calling Donald Trump supporters “garbage” matches her hyperbolic, incendiary claims that Trump is a “fascist” who relies on the tactics of Adolf Hitler. 

When you label your opponent a Nazi or a Hitler, you’ve lost.

So what is really behind the extreme vilification and smearing campaign of the Demoncrats, espcially with the "Hitler" and "Fascist" label? Could it be that "The Left is preparing for war if Trump wins?" In this article, WND writes:

"The purpose of the Hitler narrative is not to alter the electoral preferences of left-wing media audiences already solidly in the anti-Trump column, but rather to justify taking extreme measures against the Republican candidate and the America First movement and ensure that the bulk of the military sides with the anti-Trump plot. Thus, it is best understood in the context of recent accounts promising, or urging, violence after the November vote."

The Demoncratic party can't handle Trump. The successful and impactful appearance at a McDonald’s drive-through has them going ballistic and upping the smear campaign. Here is a discussion on MSM's reaction.

Everyone knows how evil the Demoncratic party is, even those who have seared the "conscience" of their reprobate mind, therefore a creative slogan was necessary. What did they come up with? "Joy"! They don't even know what that word entails, but this is really what they meant:

The once “joyful” Harris is ending her campaign by trafficking in lies and smears reminiscent of the Joe McCarthy era. She, and the party, has Gone Full McCarthyite, smearing Trump as a Fascist and Nazi when its of course the Demoncratic party that are the real Fascistsand Nazis. Fascists seek to change existing laws to destroy opponents and illegally consolidate power. Thats all the Demoncrats have ever done, while Trump never.

Reason # 9 Tim Waltz is a Chinese-puppet, Communist, Marxist that actually hates America through his fake smile.

Lets consider some examples of lying deceptive incompetent communist beast known as Tim "Stolen Valor" Walz:

  • Black Riots. He allowed massive riots to go completely out of control. An entire police precinct was burned down and never replaced. 120 buildings torched, $500 million in damage. Highways blocked, cars overturned, countless businesses broken into and looted or vandalized. Did not call in the National Guard or allow police to take control until it was too late. Police were not allowed to wear riot gear, as it “looked too combative.” Allowed armed black "BLM" thugs to take over part of Minneapolis and establish encampment that lasted for months, only ending when they were paid off with taxpayer money.

  • Covid. He locked down state excessively during scam/plandemic, which is tyrannical and evil. Had a tip line for citizens to call in and report offenders. Example: children playing outside. Again, plain evil and reflective of what a wicked tyrant he really is. Churches were closed. Small businesses were closed. Liquor stores were open. Walz’s radical AG was waiting to pounce on and prosecute any small business owner who dared open their doors. He also forced all state employees to get the gene therapy death shot or lose their jobs.

  • Minnesota had the largest fraud of scam/plandemic money in US.

  • Overtaxed and squandered a record 18 billion dollar budget surplus, after promising to return it to taxpayers.

  • Allowed protestors to storm US interstate, and falsely stated that a semi-truck driver (releasing his identity on TV) intended to cause injury to protestors.

  • Created a situation where doctors and patients could not get to hospitals.

  • Excessive red tape, restrictions and endless permit requirements have caused new businesses to give up and choose other states to build in, and existing businesses to relocate. Minnesota is now considered one of the worst states for business.

  • Propose and pass excessively restrictive “green deal” laws.

  • Excessive controls on for example, copper mining on Iron Range.

  • Murdering babies. The most extreme abortion allowance in US while most Citizens oppose the murder of babies.

  • Excessive mandates to school districts on how money can be spent, and curriculum that must be taught, which of course is a radical Leftist/Woke/Evil curriculum. [Pull your children out of school people!]

  • Propagated the evil “defund the police,” putting citizens at risk.

  • Sodomy/Trany Agenda. Created a “sanctuary state” for young minors wanting irreversible gender mutilation butchery. Allowed school districts to not inform parents if children want to use “alternative pronouns” in school. Compelling alternative pronouns through sex harassment laws. His policies have put tampons in boy’ bathrooms, biological males in girl’s restrooms, locker rooms, and on their sports teams.

  • Allowed a small panel to decide on and change state flag.

  • Minnesota has now fallen to 19th in education under his watch and less than half the children can read or perform math at grade level in spite of academic standards being lowered.

  • Since Walz took office there has been over $500 million in fraud at the government level and not one state employee has been fired or held accountable.

  • Big Proponent of Illegal Immigration. He signed the bill that gave Minnesota drivers licenses to any illegal alien who applies for it. Of course there is a purpose for it -- 80,000 qualified and could vote with their new license. Waltz wants to make Minnesota a sanctuary state for illegals.

  • Taxpaying Minnesotans are fleeing the state in ever greater numbers.

  • Socialist/Communist. Recent Walz quote: “one man’s socialism is another man’s neighbourliness.“ Watz is a thorough socialist and communist, doing anything for the green buck.

  • “Retired” from the National Guard just before his unit was activated and deployed to the Middle East. Lied about his position and service in the military.

  • Refuses to be interviewed by any non Leftist media outlet, a huge red flag.

    Walz’s most important education adviser, Brian Lozenski, a supposed leading authority on the evil and divisive critical race theory (an element of cultural Marxism), calls explicitly for the “overthrow” of America.

  • During the last Governor’s election the state medical board (for which the Governor appoints all 17 members), opened a malpractice investigation into Walz’s opponent who is a doctor. The investigation was somehow leaked to the media, crushing his opponents election chances. The “investigation” quietly disappeared with no action after the election. This is how these evil beasts function. Justice needs to be swiftly executed and the heavens shall rejoice.

The Harris's, Biden's Waltz's and the rest of the Demoncratic party hate you. Yes they do. Especially if you are white.

Yet Another Reason, # 1,958,291,399

With All That Said, Trump Can Never Make America Great Again Only God and the Truth of Scripture Has That Ability

Trump is a mere man. He cannot truly Make America Great Again, and anything he does will likely be a mere bandaid on a terrible cancer. Why is this? He cannot change the fundamental issues that are destroying America and will continue to destroy her long after he has completed his term. Let's consider some of the things he cannot change, that must be changed to save a nation.

  • Trump can’t wake up disobedient, unsaved "pastors" that occupy most of the pulpits today.

  • Trump can’t make the churches biblical and holy.

  • Trump can’t root out theological liberalism.

  • Trump can’t heal corrupt evangelicalism.

  • Trump can't save the masses of unsaved people pretending to be "Christian" that flood almost every church today.

  • Trump can’t rebuild the “nuclear family.”

  • Trump can’t heal the endless ills of the government school system.

  • Trump can’t root out Marxism and Woke from the university system.

  • Trump can’t stop the progress of the multitude of paganisms that are leavening society.

  • Trump can’t correct the constitutional balance of power that has been lost.

  • Trump can’t destroy the welfare system.

  • Trump can’t change the leavening of society by moral reprobation.

  • Trump can’t conquer the "live as you please" filthy pop culture in all of its varieties.

  • Trump can’t fundamentally change the deeply corrupted judicial system.

  • Trump can’t really “drain the swamp" because there are way too many Satanic monsters in there.

If the USA won’t recognize God, the one and true God of the Bible, which is only the God of biblical Christianity, it won’t be great again. Neither building a wall on the Southern border to stop illegal entrance, destroying ISIS and other Islamic groups, nor impeding China and Mexico from ripping us off will make America great again. From his mouth alone, well known for how much and how wide it opens, I’m sure that Donald Trump does not know God, so he himself is part of the problem. If Donald Trump cared about God, he could start by repudiating his own sin and that which he continues to encourage through his acquiescence, and seek after the Lord until he finds Him (Is 55:6-7).

The USA will be much closer to the solution if its churches would acknowledge God and function according to His Word. That however requires true regeneration, the missing piece of the puzzle, but not just any piece, this is the chief cornerstone that holds the entire puzzle in place. America will never be great if its churches will not be great. That is what made America great, once. Its churches will not be great if their leaders will not be great. That requires, again, true salvation, not the placebo that most have embraced. As long as the churches and their leaders won’t be great, America has no possibility of being great even if Donald Trump wants it to be.

Nevertheless, we still need to vote, and vote red for the many reasons documented previously in this report, but the point is, born again Christians hold more ability to change the future of America than what Trump does. We are "kings and priests" unto God, and that is not hypothetical. The redeemed of God can do things Trump and the Republicans and political conservatives cannot do, which is preach the true gospel of Christ that truly saves and build godly individual lives, homes, and churches, and to contend against the wicked and the lawless. This is what Christ has commanded, and it will make more difference in the country than barrels full of political commentary and action. But having good leadership that gives us freedom and liberty to live peaceable lives, enables these things to a much greater degree.

Vote Red!

I am certain there are many further reasons why a freedom-loving, professing Christian should be voting Trump, for the republicans. But this should suffice in a brief way to convince you that red is the way of liberty, happiness and prosperity. For the freedom of our allies, the liberty of religion and speech, the prosperity of our families, the repatriation of foreign invaders, and a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ, vote Trump!

Every piece of historic information on elections tells us that this should be a blowout. No incumbent wins with numbers that low. Momentum for Trump. Economy, war, immigration all favour Trump. Crime in our communities, child mutilation (the same doctors behind the vaccines are behind this as well), defunding law enforcement, opening the gates to illegals and people that hate us, all of which is promoted by the other party in a positive manner. The true positive visionary is a hero that they have tried to kill at least twice. He is still standing and happy, and should aptly be named, Stonewall Trump. The press is the biggest advocate for Harris and the Demoncratic party, but totally discredited. Harris can only respond with, 'not the Nazi.' With the exception of cheating and fraud, EVERYTHING speaks to a Donald Trump win. Lord willing, this will be the case.

Will the left concede if Trump wins? My fear is that after Trump wins, after the lawfare to try to get him removed as the president-elect and the contrived 14th amendment insurrection tactics are deployed and fail, then somehow Trump still gets taken down by hook or crook. The most likely scenario for that to happen is that Judge Merchan, who has convicted Trump on 34 felony counts in NY State, chooses to throw the book at Trump and sentences him to jail at the end of November, with Trump going directly to jail. Trump now faces a maximum of 136 years imprisonment if convicted. A less likely but still possible scenario is another assassination attempt. JD Vance provides a backstop to that. Frankly, at this point, I suspect that JD Vance might be even more of a threat to the New World Order deep state plans than Trump would be. The backstory on the risk of NYS jail time for Trump: Remember that the State of NY has convicted Trump on 34 felony counts of “falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal” (a sexual liaison that supposedly happened almost a decade before in 2006) ahead of the 2016 presidential election, which involved Stormy Daniels (aka., Stephanie A. Gregory Clifford).

I find it absolutely unbelievable and astonishing that anyone would vote for demoncrats these days. The sheer stupidity and naivety goes beyond words. If you vote for the side that appeases Satan and his forces, you should immediately cease from calling yourself a Christian. Your not. You don't even know what Christianity is. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

You cannot be a Demoncrat and a Christian at the same time. The two are polar opposites. You are representing something entirely different than Biblical Christianity. Someone that votes for blatant antichrist' and dangerous enemies doesn't embrace Christ regardless of their lip service to such.

I am also sick of "pastors" and "preachers" who tell their people to vote but not for whom. Are you kidding me. How spineless, cowardice and compromised can you get?!

Please tell all your family and friends to vote, and to vote red. Only red. There are over 50 million professing evangelicals in America that do not vote. Time to come out of the woodworks and vote. Every vote for President Trump matters if you care about our country and our citizens. For our children.


Nov 15, 2024

My only mistake in casting a ballot was before I was saved, it was for Jimmy Carter.

After my salvation I vote through the principles of Gods Word and voted for

Ronald Regan-I have prayerfully made my decisions based on Gods Word.

I was also involved in politics 30 yrs ago in my county in WA State for the Republican party to draft a pro-Christian platform. I wish more Christians would consider the cost that the founders of our nation sacrificed -they where Pastors, men of wealth who lost all their wealth, farmers and men and women of all walks of life. Our Constitution & Bill of Rights are from Gods Word.

Thank you Reuben for the Article.

God Bless…

Nov 18, 2024
Replying to

Thanks for that Myron. Excellent points. I couldn’t agree more. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were definitely shaped by the Word of God, a critical piece of history that leftists/demoncrats and others have attempted to rewrite. Unfortunately Carter came with the Baptist background, which led to many naively voting for him, in similar fashion to Clinton. But as you mentioned, the new birth changes everything. The Lord Jesus at that point gives us wisdom, discretion and right judgment to vote right. It truly is remarkable how one’s perspectives change after salvation. Eyes that were once blind, now see, and they see more than just the truth of Scripture, but all elements of life. Great to hear your involvement in…


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