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Jimmy Carter: A False “Christian,” Fake “Baptist,” Evil Anti-Semite, Despicable President, Yet Praised by False Teachers
January 22, 2025. Updated : January 25, 2025 Only days after the inauguration of the 47th President (also the 45th) of the United States...

Replacement Theology (Supersessionism): A Doctrine of Devils
Replacement Theology, also known as Supersessionism, essentially teaches that the NT church has superseded and replaced Israel. This...

The Satanic Attack on Corporeal Punishment (I.e. Child Discipline/Spanking)
A few years ago I watched through the TV series The Road to Avonlea with my family, a “Christian” movie that was filmed in Canada early...

David Lynn, a Blasphemous Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Masquerading as a “Christian” Street Preacher
David Lynn is a popular Canadian “evangelist” known for his public preaching and evangelism conducted on the streets, campuses, and other...

Hamas is Islam; Moslems are Demented Evil Savages — Abolish Islam Entirely in the West!
On Oct 7, 2023 Moslem terrorists under the group Hamas attacked settlements in the Gaza Strip of Israels reportedly killing over 1,200...
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Does Islam Protect the Children? Moslems Leading the “1 Million March for Children” is a Red Herring
Last week Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 the 1 Million March 4 Children took place across cities in Canada (and allegedly in other...

"The Chosen" — Unscriptural, Heretical, and Blasphemous; Yet Enjoyed by Many Professing Christians
First of all, Secondly, after a month break from writing we are back with the intentions of putting out an average of 1-2 reports/week,...

10 Reasons Why NOT to Vote for the New Democratic Party (NDP)
At the end of May 2023 is the Provincial election of Alberta, Canada. The better party by a long shot is the United Conservative Party...

Ramadan "Kareem”? — What Ramadan is Really About, and the Fallacy of Their “Fasting”
The unholy month of "fasting" for the Islamic world, known as Ramadan has come upon us in 2024, from March 11 with the full moon, and...

If Islam is a Religion of Peace, then Satan is a Peacemaker
An adjunctive article to this one is The Serious Problem of Islam. Satan is obviously not a peace maker. Nor is Islam. Nothing could be...

Does Mankind Yield Such Power So That “Come Hell or High Water,” His or Her Plans Won't Be Thwarted?
This is not an attack or even criticism of the UCP, though that could easily be warranted (for instance, Jason Kenney, our last ousted...

COVID UPDATE: What is the Truth?
The following excellent article, COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? appears on the NIH website and is worthy to be reprinted here. Yes you...

Should Women Ever Hold Authority Over Men?
A subtitle could read: “ Since When do Women Qualify as a Pastor or Qualify as Inclusion of Pastoral or Deacon Couple? ” Until 1916,...
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News on Covid, "Vaccines," World News and NWO Tyranny — End-Times Evil
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the...

The Diabolical and Murderous Act of Abortion — Shedding Innocent Blood
⚠️ Warning, this report contains graphic images and video ⚠️ The overturn of Roe v. Wade in America is really good news. The murder-mill...

Biblical Reasons Why No True Christian Supports the Apostate Mennonite Central Committee (MCC)
The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) was started in the 1920's to provide humanitarian aid to starving Mennonites in Russia, a task it...

Contrasting Islams god (Allah) with the God of the Bible (Jehovah) and the god of this World (Satan)
Too often I have encountered the belief that the true and living God of the Bible (Jehovah, though He is known by many other names) is...

Tattoos Galore - A Clear Attestation of the Pagan Culture of Modern "Christianity"
Just a mere few decades ago tattoos were considered exceedingly sinful among professing Christians. Now as we live in the last days of...
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Questions to ask Moslems
Consider firstly what British Prime Minister Winston Churchill wrote in the 1899 two-volume edition of "The River War: An Historical...

23 Years Ago, on 9/11, America Came to Know Islam; Today People Still Haven’t Learned The Lesson
My, what 23 years can bring. In 2001 al-Qaeda Mozlems launched a cowardly, evil and demonic attack on civilian targets in the USA, one...
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